Project Update - DreamHack Beyond and Gamescom
12 Aug | 10:00 am

It's been a while since we've attended a game show but we are finally back in the - alas virtual - saddle! With none other than DreamHack, in fact. It's a gaming event that we have loved ever since our trip to showcase Vagrus at DH Summer in Sweden back in 2019.

DreamHack Beyond was held between July 24 and July 31 as a fully digital event. What made it unique was that they created an actually video game that you could log into, pick your avatar, and walk around in a world reminiscent of Rick and Morty's. We as developers were invited to participate in the event by customizing our virtual game console so that visitors could walk up and interact with it on the virtual show floor.

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#projectupdate #dream

Pre-Alpha Combat Demo #4
25 Jul | 10:00 am

It is time for a combat update!

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#2018 #herocombat #ingamefootage #prealpha #video