New Build Is OUT - Patch: 1.166 Codename: Dissonant
23 May | 2:00 pm

Hey everyone,

This time, we come to you with a huge package of changes to the game. The first order of business:

The Prologue (Demo)

This scenario offers players a fixed timeframe within which they can play Vagrus without purchasing the game. Since its release in May of 2023, we’ve been eyeballing it for quite some time, and have finally overhauled it with many of the quality of life improvements the main game has seen. See our Steam post here for more information.

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#2024 #projectupdate #patch #release

Project Update – Zoli
21 Mar | 10:00 am

This week we’re continuing in the same vein, bringing you another project update that this time relates to our latest hire, polymath and computer science major Zoli, who joined us in September 2023 in the role of Quality Assurance Tester. Zoli is a systematic thinker, problem-solver, and gamer with a well of knowledge regarding all manner of things game dev (such as code or design). When asked, he was adamant about describing himself as “a novice wizard surrounded by talented sorcerers”, and as someone who’s worked alongside him, I can testify that he is all this and more. Under the “more” category we pencil in things like “90’s gamer”, “child chess prodigy”, “math enthusiast” (yes, apparently that’s a thing), and perhaps in stark contrast, a man who loves the outdoors: he’s run more than 500km this year already, which includes a marathon in Athens! Below is a snap of the man himself in his element.

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#2024 #projectupdate #team

Project Update – We Welcome Thee, Bence!
07 Mar | 10:00 am

For the first time in a long time, we have a project update for you, and it’s a doozy. Although he already began working with us as early as June 2023, we’d now like to welcome one of our newest and most talented 2D and 3D artists: Bence Monori. Bence has a talent for many things, though he is currently focused primarily on a wide range of environmental art, some of which came to the fore during the expansion Sunfire and Moonshadow.

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#projectupdate #team #2024

A Brand New Year
18 Jan | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

With the festive season now firmly behind us, we here at Lost Pilgrims Studio would like to wish all of you a prosperous 2024. We hope that you all feel as recharged and energetic about the new year as we do.

The release of the expansion Sunfire and Moonshadow and its accompanying Season Pass were our main highlights of 2023, yet in 2024, we have even bigger plans. Namely, the release of two DLCs: a companion DLC and a region DLC. Needless to say, if you’ve already bought the Season Pass, you needn’t do anything more than wait – we’re already hard at work on both pieces of content – and we can’t wait to share more information (and teasers, naturally!) about them as we draw closer to their release.

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#2024 #projectupdate #celebration

Year End Post 2023
30 Dec | 10:00 am

Fellow vagri,

2023 is coming to its inevitable end, we are closing the books on this year’s adventures as well. After having published Sunfire and Moonshadow, our very first expansion, and having received a ton of positive feedback, we are eagerly looking forward to the new year with new plans for Vagrus, including features, content, stories, and more! We hope you’ll accompany us for the journey.

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#2023 #team #holidays

Happy Holidays - 2023
21 Dec | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

It’s that time of year again when it’s all jingles and laughter. We at Lost Pilgrims wanted to wish you all Happy Holidays! Enjoy your well-deserved rest, spend time with your loved ones, or just chill, play your unplayed games, read, eat, or do whatever makes you happy.

We are winding down as well after we take care of a few things and although we’ll monitor the usual channels, we’ll hunker down until early January.

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#2023 #team #holidays

Location Artwork – The Fang Gate
14 Dec | 1:00 pm

On a stone plateau in the Outer Realm looms a mysterious realmgate, consisting of a pair of stone pillars that were altered by ancient magic and now resemble fangs facing each other. Around it, everything is barren and silent and the air is pregnant with potent energies. Realmswalkers are able to activate it and step through the reflective vertical surface hanging between the arches, and it takes them to other Realms far beyond the reach of conventional means of travel. Do you have what it takes to become a Realmswalker in Vagrus? Will you be able to turn your ability into a new avenue of profit? The free update that was released alongside our expansion can answer these questions for anyone interested in investigating them.

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#2023 #art #location

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1501207T - Codename: Winter Canvas
12 Dec | 3:00 pm

Hey everyone,

It’s that time of year again and so we at Lost Pilgrims wanted to wish you all Happy Holidays! Enjoy your well-deserved rest, spend time with your loved ones, or just chill, play your unplayed games, read, eat, or do whatever makes you happy.

We are winding down as well after we take care of a few things and although we’ll monitor the usual channels, we’ll hunker down until early January because the last half a dozen months have been quite exhausting for the Pilgrims.

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#2023 #patch #hotfix

Vagrus Demo on Xbox
07 Dec | 1:00 pm

Hey everyone,

You might be aware that Vagrus has been verified on Steam Deck but did you know that the game is – sort of – available on Xbox, too? As part of the 'ID@Xbox Game Demo Fest: Winter 2023', for a limited time, the demo version of Vagrus is available on Xbox. That’s right! Back during summer, their event team put out a call for game demos. We figured why not apply, so we did and we made it into the prestigious 33 selected demos!

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#2023 #projectupdate #xbox #release

Kadaath and the Outer Realms
30 Nov | 10:00 am

Today we’re eager to delve into one of the newest additions to Vagrus : Kadaath on the Outer Realms. Released for free for all players at the same time as our first expansion, this section of the Outer Realms can be accessed by first heading to Lumen in the base game, where vagri can begin a quest to get there provided that the year is at least 1108 p.c., they have at least four hundred Bross, three Companions, and at least three Renown. An in-game pop-up directs new or returning players there also, though this information can also be accessed at any time by using the “What’s new?” button under the Extras submenu in Vagrus’s main menu.

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#2023 #art #location