New Build Is Live - Patch v1.172 Codename: Victorious
12 Jul | 8:04 pm

Hey everyone,

This new patch brings with it one really important and big change and some other fixes we applied since our last update. The large change in question is the altering of how victory works in a campaign. Previously, you were able to win the game, then choose to continue playing. This caused a lot of consistency issues with Ending slides, as you were unable to check them later on and so even if something changed (like a major questline that has its own slide was completed) after the victory, players would miss them. And so from now on, once you retire as part of a victory, you will not be able to continue playing afterward. You can complete the victory condition and then play indefinitely until the time comes you decide to conclude the playthrough and then retire to experience the Endings. Of course, you can also save the game, retire to check the slides, and then load to play more.

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#2024 #dlc #projectupdate #patch #release

‘Old Acquaintances’ DLC Release Date and Trailer
30 May | 10:00 am

The time is finally nigh: we have a release date for Old Acquaintances and a fresh release trailer to boot!

The DLC will drop on the 12th of June, 2024, and those of you who have already played the ‘Pilgrims of the Wasteland’ scenario will surely recall the identities of the two returning companions. For those who do not, the man by the campfire is Javek, a remarkable telepath and sorcerer with unique abilities, while the bony hand that pushes through the black sands of Arenas Negras belongs to Sedarias, a Knight of the Black Sun and defender of the Empire.

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#trailer #dlc #projectupdate

The Latest Quality of Life and Design Improvements
16 May | 10:00 am

As we close in on the release of our Old Acquaintances DLC, the portions of the team that are not busy drawing or writing have been hard at work on a plethora of miscellaneous QoL improvements, the fruits of which have now been made public.

Mercenary Tasks

We’ve always endeavored to make some sweeping changes to how Mercenary Tasks work, and happily, we’ve now had the time to implement them. These tasks have always had time limits, yet now, they function far more logically. This is to say that after you complete an elimination or defending task, you may return to the faction that gave it to you at any time after you do so, while in the past the time limit was still active, even after you had completed but haven’t turned it in.

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#2024 #projectupdate #ui #QoL

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.165 - Codename: Shore Up
08 May | 5:00 pm

Hey everyone,

We haven’t released a new build since way back in February, so we have got a slew of changes to discuss. While the changes are wide-ranging and significant, we’ve broken down each batch into easily digestible sections, the first of which is the Outpost and its coming update. For those of you looking for an abridged breakdown of what we’ve been working on you may simply scroll down to the patch notes.

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#2024 #projectupdate #patch

A Brand New Year
18 Jan | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

With the festive season now firmly behind us, we here at Lost Pilgrims Studio would like to wish all of you a prosperous 2024. We hope that you all feel as recharged and energetic about the new year as we do.

The release of the expansion Sunfire and Moonshadow and its accompanying Season Pass were our main highlights of 2023, yet in 2024, we have even bigger plans. Namely, the release of two DLCs: a companion DLC and a region DLC. Needless to say, if you’ve already bought the Season Pass, you needn’t do anything more than wait – we’re already hard at work on both pieces of content – and we can’t wait to share more information (and teasers, naturally!) about them as we draw closer to their release.

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#2024 #projectupdate #celebration

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.150 - Codename: New Realms
07 Nov | 4:00 pm

Hello everyone,

Xeryn is about to become even more captivating as we proudly announce the release of our highly anticipated expansion: Sunfire and Moonshadow, featuring a vast new region to explore. As of now, it is available to the public on Steam, GOG, and Epic Games and it can be purchased as part of our Season Pass  on Steam, GOG, and Epic., which includes two future DLCs. Check out the trailer here.

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#2023 #projectupdate #patch

Sunfire and Moonshadow Release Date and Season Pass Announcement
02 Nov | 2:00 pm

Hello everyone,

It’s been quite the year since we started developing Sunfire and Moonshadow, our first expansion. Those of you who’ve been following us know that it is introducing a new vast region to explore with a swathe of new settlements, new enemies to conquer, new stories to be a part of, a large cast of characters, and new quests to complete through which you can make your mark on the continent of Xeryn. That’s not all, however, as the Bronze Desert introduces a central conflict involving three new factions – the Ahari, the Chimera Legion, and the Handjari. The expansion features content approaching half the size of the core game.

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#2023 #expansion #reveal #projectupdate

Project Update – More Quality of Life Improvements
19 Oct | 10:00 am

Hello everyone,

While the expansion is getting very close to the finish line, we've been busy making some quality-of-life improvements to enhance your gameplay experience in all of Vagrus. In this article, we wanted to provide detailed information on these updates, so here's a quick rundown of what's new and improved:

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#2023 #ui #projectupdate #QoL

Teaser: War in Hakhtarast
12 Oct | 10:00 am

In this week’s post, we’re proud to present you with one of the more perilous locations in the already conflict-ridden Bronze Desert: Hakhtarast. This sullied oasis and the eponymous town in it are home to a colorful cast of characters – Imperial, Handjari, and Bandul live and work inside its confines. War has seen the settlement beset by the Ahari, engulfing it in a series of ongoing skirmishes, murders, and a bid for control of both the oil operations as well as the once-sacred ponds and lakes. Most Bandul scowl at its ruinous nature, eager to admonish the defiling that has so marred its confines but none go as far as the warlike Ahari.

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#2023 #art #location #teaser #lore

Expansion Announcement: Sunfire and Moonshadow
11 May | 9:00 pm

The time has finally come to announce our upcoming expansion for Vagrus and go into a little detail about what we’ve been working on for the past seven months. It’s been a long, hard road, and while we’re slowly making our way to the finish line, we still have a great deal of testing to do, plus numerous final touches to iterate upon. It’s a terribly exciting time at Lost Pilgrims Studio, and it’s time to share at least some of it with those who made it possible: you, the players. The expansion’s store page is available for viewing and is ready to be wishlisted on Steam, GOG, and Epic.

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#2023 #expansion #announcement