The New and Improved Extras Menu
30 Jan | 10:00 am

This week we’re excited to show off some recent revamps of our UI that we’ve been working on, namely a rework of the Extras menu point in the game’s main menu. The most important improvements here entail the ability to rewatch all Vagrus cinematics, including the main campaign’s intro, as well as the story trailers of Old Acquaintances and At the Heart of Ruin, our upcoming DLC.

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#2025 #ui #update #extras #patronage #soundtrack

Creature Artwork – Salamander
23 Jan | 10:00 am

This week we’re bringing you a glimpse of what some might consider slithering death. It is the Salamander, one of At the Heart of Ruin’s many new enemies. Just coming into contact with one would terrify even the most stalwart souls, as the look of malice in their eyes is inescapable, and their speed, cunning, and fiery abilities make them formidable opponents in battle.

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#2025 #creature #art #dlc

DLC Location Artwork – Varnurud
16 Jan | 10:00 am

After revealing our trailer for ‘At the Heart of Ruin’, our second region DLC, we’re now ready to share a little more about the new realm you will be able to explore. The first area we’ll look at here is Varnurud, which is one of the traversable parts of the great Mountains of Fire. As harsh and unforgiving as it is, most vagri will spend a great deal of their time here, as they navigate searing magma flows and the seemingly endless hordes of madmen who run roughshod over it.

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#2025 #location #art #dlc

DLC Reveal Trailer & Holiday Deals
19 Dec | 8:00 pm

Vagri! We’re sure many of you’ve been waiting for more information about our next DLC (shaping up to be expansion-sized once again) and the time has come to deliver just that – in the form of a special story trailer we’re excited to share:

So, there you have it. Some exposition delivered by award-winning voice actor Phil Rowe, along with a title reveal and the year of release. Although the latter is fairly vague, we can already say that we are aiming for the first half of 2025, as we’ve been working on it very diligently for months now. There’s still a lot to go, but we’re making good progress and we’re very satisfied with how it’s shaping up. Can you guess where it’ll be set? There are quite a few indicators, we think.

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#2024 #dlc #projectupdate #trailer #teaser

Dev Update - The Raptors
12 Dec | 10:00 am

This week we’re gracing your web browsers and social media feeds with another teaser of our upcoming DLC. These characters belong to another gang that will attack you outright, for the Raptors are hardly a sane bunch. Most follow a descendent of their mysterious leader, who stumbled upon a rogue Wyvern and believed it to be the remains of a divine creature of the skies. In their quest for meaning and purpose, the followers of this founder – considered by many to be blessed – sought to imitate these creatures and themselves become ascendant and escape their earthbound existence.

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#2024 #dlc #teaser #gangs

Dev Update - The Hollow Men
28 Nov | 10:00 am

For today’s post, we’re pushing it further with teasers, and we have one of this writer’s favorites in store: the Hollow Men. The Hollow Men are a gang of warriors, ex-legionnaires, and mercenary criminals, and they have a long history going back to Legio. IX, or “Mortis”, with their story beginning when they lost on the battlefield to Raokan in p.c. 1074.

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#3034 #dlc #teaser #gangs

Dev Update – Stalking the Wasteland
15 Nov | 10:00 am

As we move into full swing with teaser season, we come to you today with another reveal of a group of foes. These predators of the wasteland may not feed on the flesh of their victims like the bloodletting miscreants we showed you previously, but they are an efficient lot with an affinity for hunting and slaying beasts, many of which you will come across in our upcoming region DLC. For now, we can only show you one of their ilk, but rest assured: the Wasteland Stalkers – their name among themselves and others – are deadly and exacting in their modus operandi.

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#2024 #dlc #teaser

Enriching and Delaying Our New Region DLC
07 Nov | 10:00 am

As we approach the end of 2024, it's time to give an update on our upcoming DLC. While our hope was to release it this year, it has become clear to us that it is an unrealistic target. We cannot announce its release date just yet, but we can be sure that it will take at least until next year to complete, and with good reason.

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#2024 #dlc #update

The Hotfix and Our DLCs
27 Jun | 10:00 am

Having deployed Old Acquaintances’ first hotfix, the team at Lost Pilgrims Studio has moved on to our next project: the regional DLC. The beginning of this process is iterative and requires intense coordination; it begins with the design phase, planning locations, and an overarching narrative. We need to understand what unique gameplay elements the DLC will bring to the table, which narrative beats we want to focus on, and finally, which characters or NPCs will drive that narrative.

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#2024 #dlc #teaser #hotfix

A Teaser Most Intoxicating
02 May | 10:00 am

Today we are sharing some of our newest art related to the upcoming DLC: Old Acquaintances. We’ll not tarry here with wasteful words, dear reader, take a look for yourself.

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#2024 #projectupdate #dlc #location