The time has finally come to announce our upcoming expansion for Vagrus and go into a little detail about what we’ve been working on for the past seven months. It’s been a long, hard road, and while we’re slowly making our way to the finish line, we still have a great deal of testing to do, plus numerous final touches to iterate upon. It’s a terribly exciting time at Lost Pilgrims Studio, and it’s time to share at least some of it with those who made it possible: you, the players. The expansion’s store page is available for viewing and is ready to be wishlisted on Steam, GOG, and Epic.
Hello everyone,
This time we have tweaked push and pull effects in Companion combat – something we have been looking to do for a while. Until now, upon being successfully targeted by push or pull Skills, characters switched positions along horizontal lines. From now on, however, they may move diagonally as well, depending on the positions of the attacker and the defender. This means that the positioning of Companions will have a larger influence on what happens during combat, thus introducing an additional tactical layer.
Hey everyone,
Today we are releasing a large patch with features that we’ve been talking about for some time, most of which are a reiteration from the post we released about a public Beta weeks ago. With that Beta now over, you can now scroll down to see all of the details regarding our implementation of full controller support, UI and text zooming, improved initial game loading times, and much, much more. Alongside these, we have also implemented a new pop-up window for players to see what’s new when they load up the game, and a DLC catalog, which lets you see what content you already own, as shown below.
So what’s new on that public beta branch? Basically, everything we have added for hand-held porting and controller support, as well as screen optimization and accessibility features. A more detailed rundown of these can be found in our previous devlog here.
Hey everyone,
As the year draws near its inevitable end, we at Lost Pilgrims wanted to wish you all Happy Holidays! Enjoy your well-deserved rest, spend time with your loved ones, or just chill, play your unplayed games, read, eat, or do whatever makes you happy. We will also be taking a little time off to recharge our batteries. As for the greeting card above, we did hold a photoshoot in the office for it but we worked so much on Vagrus that our image turned into in-game characters in the end.
Hey everyone,
This time, we've got a new free DLC for you, along with revamped Scouting, a Glossary to clarify gameplay mechanisms and UI elements, as well as major backend improvements. It would be no understatement to say that this is a huge stepping stone for us and the Riven Realms.
The 3rd of September was a big day for fans of the interactive Fighting Fantasy gamebooks that have brought countless hours of entertainment to so many of us since the 1980s. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the publication of the first Fighting Fantasy gamebook The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, the fourth Fighting Fantasy Fest was held in London. Visitors of the Fest could meet legends like Steve Jackson and Sir Ian Livingstone in person, along with many other prominent gamebook writers like Rhianna Pratchett, Jonathan Green, or Marc Gascoigne, as well as many graphic artists of the book series. We could have our books signed, pick up a bunch of merchandise, mingle with other fans, and watch presentations on various, exciting topics. It was indeed great fun!
Hello everyone,
Recently, we have published posts about several bigger and smaller features and other goodies, such as the Glossary, improvements, new Skills, and so on. There is, however, something else we have been spending a lot of time on, and probably most of our players won’t even notice the outcome.
Hey everyone,
Originally, we haven’t scheduled a patch before your next DLC, but since that is still in progress and you’ve reported a few larger bugs – which is always much appreciated – we decided to release one anyway. The new major scouting features are still being tested, however, we squeezed in a few smaller changes into this build, so it’s more than just a simple hotfix. Event image panning is a new effect you may have heard of already, while House Venari and the Carpenters’ Guild becoming one another’s associates is a meaningful change in the life of the comitati roaming Terra Supra.
Hello all,
The team has been hard at work on a variety of impactful changes; this build is the culmination of those changes in the lead-up to our upcoming free content: The Sunken Tower (DLC). A teaser about the Tower and its associated knowledge victory questline is coming soon.
The build itself introduces several quality of life improvements to general gameplay, including quick camp, automarch, daytime hunting and foraging, and automatic supply acquisition. The goal of these changes is to streamline core gameplay loops and minimize micromanagement for players who enjoy those less while still leaving the same options open for others. For more information about specifics regarding these changes you can view our recent devlog post on steam.