A New Demo Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.15 - Codename: Perficientur et Qualis Vitae
10 Jun | 11:00 am

Hey everyone,

We keep working on improving features and fixing issues for the game and from time to time we push it into the Demo build as well – this is such a time! The most significant additions are Character UI-related improvements, as well as new content, albeit the restricted nature of the Demo makes accessing some of these a bit tricky. Still, we included them for the sake of thoroughness. We have also improved visuals and fixed about a dozen bugs.

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Project Update - Feature Request Update
09 Jun | 10:00 am

Hello everyone,

Our previous project update was about the random name generator during character creation. In this one, we will show you what else is to come, focusing on the feature requests we’ve been receiving. This current one is about all the input we’ve received on existing and new features.

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#projectipdate #feature #2022

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.15 - Codename: Notas et effectus
02 Jun | 5:00 pm

Hey everyone,

As usual, we’ve been working on fixing issues and adding new features as well as improvements. The most significant additions include our new name generator, along with the custom journal and chart notes features. As for improvements, besides smaller optimizations across various parts of the game, we have made the Companion Combat AI significantly faster while the initial loading time has been shortened as well.

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#projectupdate #patch #update

Project Update - Random Name Generator
02 Jun | 10:00 am

Have you ever arrived at the final step of a character creation screen and felt completely stumped as to what you are going to call yourself in the game? Do you wonder what kind of names would be appropriate for your vagrus based on their background? We’ve been there, and we get it.

That’s why our new random name generator has been a long time coming. Our priorities were two-fold: give options to those who would rather not worry about such matters, and also to allow players some insight into naming conventions in the Riven Realms. This feature will be available with our next build, and you can check out a preview video here.

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#projectupdate #2022 #name

Project Update - Beni
26 May | 10:00 am

Hello everyone,

in a recent post we introduced Viktor to you -- our newly joined junior coder. He’s been working with our other junior Unity developer, Beni. Beni has also decided on a career in coding precisely due to his love for video games, especially heavily narrative-driven ones. In fact, he had been wanting to work on a game like Vagrus for quite a while now.

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#projectupdate #team #2022

Project Update - Upcoming Changes Part III
12 May | 10:00 am

In our previous project update, we discussed the changes of combat, as well as alterations we made to the Log and the Character Sheets. This week’s update covers modifications to the Initiative (INI) track that is receiving some much-needed polish.

Initiative Order Track - Before the Enhancements

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#projectupdate #initiative #changes

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.00 - Codename: Voracious
05 May | 8:00 pm

Hey everyone,

The new update is here, and with it comes a free DLC Companion! Note that all the features and changes are automatically accessed via the update, while the Undead chef Vorax is available by downloading the new DLC for free. Now let’s see in a bit more detail what each of these additions bring. As ever, you can find the detailed patch notes at the end of the page.

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#projectupdate #patch #DLC #Vorax

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.0.50 - Codename: Prepared
13 Apr | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

We managed to squeeze in quite a number of improvements and reworks while new content is being created by the team. It includes a lot of things that we have been unable to rework until now, so we're super satisfied that we got around to them. In this patch, we specifically concentrated on Companion Combat UI and the Game Log, but there are a lot of other additions and fixes, too. We've talked about these changes here and here. You can find the detailed patch notes below.

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#projectupdate #patch #update

Project Update - Upcoming Changes Part II.
07 Apr | 10:00 am

In Part I., we discussed upcoming changes that are not combat-related for the most part, so in this one we'll focus on updates to combat, as well as changes we've made to the Log.

Game Log Changes

We've felt for a while now that despite providing important information, the game log is not as informative as we would like it to be. And so we took our tools to it to give it a nice facelift and rework.

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#projectupdate #UI #revamp

Project Update - Upcoming Changes Part I.
25 Mar | 12:00 am

With March well underway, we are finally stepping out of the bug-fixing phase of the development of Vagrus. Of course, there are still a number of glitches and issues left (both smaller and more serious ones) but at least the improvements that we began designing and implementing in January are starting to bear fruit.

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#projectupdate #UI #revamp