Vagrus Pre-Alpha Combat Demo #3
16 May | 10:00 am

Here's another short video on the combat of Vagrus for you to check out!

This time, apart from the new combat background, enemies called the Cinderborn are shown in action. These smoldering undead inflict fire damage over time effects with their attacks.

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#cinderborn #herocombat #ingamefootage #smolderboneflats #video

Location Artwork - The Dragon Steps
05 May | 6:52 am

After the Dragon Lords arrived and descended upon the broken continent in the wake of the Calamity, they settled down in the middle of the landmass and cast their ancient magic on an area large enough to comfortably sustain their nests and broods. The magical energies crushed the plains and physically elevated the region, molding it into spacious highlands and great mountain ranges, as well as carrying up earth and ore from deeper below, thereby banishing the fallout of the Calamity, making this land fertile once again. Thus, the Dragonlands were born.

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#Firokrayg #art #location #thecrimsongate #thedragonsteps

Location Artwork - Avernum
12 Apr | 5:37 pm

Avernum is the most important city in the Northern Searing Plains. The reborn Empire moved back to the scorched and abandoned region soon after the Calamity and found it ideal to settle because of the new resources that can be found in the vicinity: salt, rare minerals, and even obsidian. Thus, Avernum was built at the center of the Smolderbone Flats. The city mostly lacks the religious apparatus of large provincial settlements, but has a fairly large military presence there under the direct control of the Prefectus, its governor. Rumor is that due to its backwater status, the city of Avernum follows Imperial regulations more loosely, and it has become essentially the private kingdom of the reigning Prefectus.

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#art #avernum #location #smolderboneflats #xerynempire

Pre-Alpha Combat V2 - teasers
07 Apr | 9:40 pm

As we promised few weeks back, we have put a significant effort into improving our hero combat and we are now happy to present you, dear patrons, an update on how far we've got.

Most importantly, we created a new UI and removed the placeholder at the bottom of the screen.

We have also added new characters and skills that they can use. Like in the second example, Sedarias strikes two Charred corpses at once with his Cleave skill.

#gif #herocombat #ingamefootage #prealpha #userinterface

Location Artwork - Arenas Negras
27 Feb | 11:32 pm

Called the Desert of Black Sands, or the Black Desert (Arenas Negrasin the Imperial language), this vast, empty desert that has fine, black sand instead of any other color is probably one of the most ill-reputed places of the post-Calamity era. Nothing lives here, not even insects. The silence is deafening. People who enter the desert and stay for a while usually inexplicably disappear. In the center of the area is a terrible place, supposedly the source of all evil in the region: The City of the Dead, Arx Mortis.

Formerly the capital of the Sanvorati province and previously known as the Shining City, Calderum was made into its own horrible caricature by the Calamity. These days, Arx Mortis is a dead place filled with eerie moaning and groans, cast in perpetual twilight, beset by bone-chilling cold and a pale, frigid light emanating from the faded rocks that are almost all that remain from the once beautiful buildings and walls. Now these stand vacant and hollow, often reminding visitors of broken teeth peeking out of black gums.

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#arenasnegras #art #arxmortis #calamity #location

A huge Thank You!
16 Feb | 11:27 pm

We are all extremely grateful and proud to share that we have just crossed the hundred dollars per month threshold earlier today here on our Patreon site.

It's your support and continued trust in our work that helped us to get this far, and we cannot say enough times how much we appreciate that. We hope you have been enjoying our updates, and kindle an interest in sharing the next chapters of our journey.

As we ramp up our graphic design and writing departments, as well as closing in on finishing our first prototype, which connects the different modules of our game, we could really use your help in shouting out, promoting your patronage and encouraging others to spread the word.

Thanks again and cheers!

The Lost Pilgrims Team

#lostpilgrims #patrons #sharethenews #team #thankyounote

Character Artwork - Sedarias
09 Feb | 11:15 pm

Sedarias posed mightily on the Patreon high-resolution wallpaper reward back in January 2018. Now it is time unveil him to the public. Enjoy!

Meet Sedarias, one of the characters who can join your travelling company in the game. He is an Imperial human serving the Ordis Negras Solis (the Order of the Black Sun). Sedarias was knighted after a period of squire service under an infamous knight Konarius. Knights of the Black Sun worship Sergorod, God of Malevolence and Vengeance, and Ahskul, God of Death. The Order itself was created to bring the two clergies of these competing new gods closer in cooperation for the good of the Empire. Having been around for over 600 years, Ordis Negras Solis is the first and most powerful of the Imperial knightly orders. Its members are picked from the best soldiers, nobles, and warriors of the Empire.

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#art #character #godsofxeryn #orderoftheblacksun #sedarias

Art progression - The City of Toht
09 Jan | 11:01 pm

From the very first moment in art design and development for Vagrus, we knew that the game world's haunting, post-apocalyptic beauty is key to conveying the atmosphere we want to create. Of course, that may not be saying much, since most games today rely heavily on visuals, it comes with the genre. More specifically, the challenge was to convey the right kind of atmosphere and find the art style that is perfect for that. We agreed soon that cartoon-like or pixel art would not do, nor would any other more stylized imagery. We settled upon the more realistic, but painting-like look, which gives a feeling almost akin to observing an old and faded piece of classical art. The other challenge was that the world of Vagrus has been a living and detailed environment for a long time now, so often our fantastically talented artists have to follow very specific directions on certain elements of an image.

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#art #gif #thecityofthot #vagrus

Our journey has begun!
30 Nov | 10:41 pm

Wow! We have not even released our first post and got some Patrons already. Thank you for jumping aboard so quickly! 

It means a lot to us to know that there are others out there sharing our vision and trusting us delivering upon it. 

So why have we started all this? Quitting our day jobs and jumping head on into indie game development?

Well, we could say it was destined, all roads leading to this point. Maybe. Or maybe it was just blind luck dealing us a good hand and we were -  finally - bold enough to say: 'All in!'

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#lostpilgrims #team #thefirstpost