Character Animation - Cinderborn
02 Mar | 10:00 am

The dreaded Cinderborn are forever smoldering due to the curse that struck them down in the first place. Although their idle animation may look slow and sluggish, they can lunge into action with alarming, fiery energy.


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#art #animation

Project Update - Trade Offers
25 Feb | 10:00 am

Commerce in the Riven Realms is held by the iron grip of Trading Houses through official monopolies or the control of locations that produce valuable goods. A simple merchant who deals in smaller quantities of wares can not begin to imagine what profit these factions work with, especially compared to what the actual manufacturing or harvesting costs. Yet there are considerable expenses involved in these operations, too. If the hardships of travel over the accursed wastelands were not enough by themselves, factions regularly wage bloody wars for resources, mostly in the shadows but often openly as well out on the frontier - and these are astonishingly expensive.

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Project Update - Equipment Design Changes
28 Jan | 10:00 am

With the addition of tons of new equipment for comitati, we have recently arrived at the point where a redesign of the equipment system became necessary. The new mechanic allows players to use these items in more diverse and specialized ways. New types of equipment, like armaments, tools, and animals are also added while we iron out the older list as well to make it more consistent and interesting. Another change is that Deputies will now be linked to equipment in a new way - they will open up extra slots for certain types when assigned to their post, further deepening the system. Now you'll be able to make use of more equipment at the same time and come up with combinations that better suit a large variety of situations in game.

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Against the Cold
26 Jan | 10:00 am

This is surely the case of 'one picture is worth a thousand words'. Keep warm, keep safe guys!

The Lost Pilgrims Team


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Project Update - End of the Year Summary
21 Jan | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

and first of all, Happy New Year! We made it to 2021 at last.

We hope you all had the chance to relax during the holidays. 2020 has been a challenging year for us at Lost Pilgrims as much as for anyone else but it also brought a number of things that we really appreciate.

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Location Artwork - The Valley of Sleepers
19 Jan | 10:00 am

'They came at night - in the darkness that enveloped the valley, thick as ink. But then pale ghost light appeared and danced all over the carvings of the old tombs. The stink of terror was awful. And then I heard the screaming. Not that of the horrifying specters... but that of my comrades.'

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#art #location

Project update - Dynamic Pricing (coming soon)
14 Jan | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

first of all, Happy New Year. We made it to 2021 at last.

It's been a while since we posted a devlog entry and we figured that this would be a great time to do so. Today's topic, Dynamic pricing, has been on our minds for a long-long time, and finally, we've decided to pull the trigger on implementing it. To provide a little background on why we need it, let's review what happens in the current build of the game when you go trading.

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Project Update - Laci in da House
07 Jan | 10:00 am

Opening an indie game dev studio and developing a 100+ hour long, complex game right away comes with a lot of important lessons. One of which has been that we like to dream big and thanks to the abundant positive feedback from our amazing players, we like to make these visions even bigger. Thus we have felt since the end of 2019 that if we ever wanted to realize all the potential Vagrus has, we have to raise our core team's size.

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#projectupdate #team #2022

Character Artwork - Dark Elves
27 Oct | 10:00 am

'How hasty you are to point out that my people owe allegiance to your Senator. But your petty strife and pitiful intrigues bore us, Imperial, and our allegiance is merely ink on paper, not invoked by blood. We never shared battle, nor feasts, nor kinship. The Senator thought to purchase us with that crude contract but we are Moreldin, descendants of Caladnir Aen Daglunath and the great heroes of the Second Age, the victors of the Forgeheart Massacre, the defenders of the Kavraenar Ziggurath, and scions of Dread Skar'Voran. My kin owes nothing to yours save for the silver already paid as per your sorry little contract. Tell this to your Senator.'

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#art #enemy #darkelves

Character Poses - Specter
13 Oct | 10:00 am

Specters are malevolent ghosts of the dead that often haunt the forsaken, magically-warped places of the Riven Realms. They are dreaded by most denizens of Xeryn because their ethereal forms are impervious to most damage types and though magic is more abundant than in other settings, it is still beyond the reach of most.

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#art #poses