Location Artwork - Imperial Fortress
02 Jul | 10:00 am

'You can say a lot of nastiness about the Imperials but one thing is for sure: they know how to build stuff. Take Fort Larius, for instance. They constructed it over seven hundred years ago. It survived the war against the Dragons and the Orcish invasion! The fools abandoned it and the ages gnawed at its walls and turrets incessantly until it became a hollow ruin. And yet, the towers and walls still stand, only awaiting someone to occupy the place and make use of it.'

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#art #fortlarius #imperialfortress #location #xerynempire

Project Update - DreamHack Summer (SE) GameShow
27 Jun | 10:00 am

We attended yet another game show, this time in Jönköping, Sweden, where DreamHack was born more than ten years ago. While DreamHack Summer is somewhat smaller than its big brother, DH Winter, it still blew our minds, with thousands of players moving in for three days... and by moving in we literally mean taking their PCs, chairs, and air-mattresses with them.

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#2019 #dreamhack #gameshow #projectupdate

Character Artwork - Imperial Legionnaire
25 Jun | 10:00 am

'Day 54 - Another week goes by and the vile horde broke again on the wall of our scuta today like the fierce tidal waves break on the rocks of Anurao Bay, the place of my birth. Most of the day after dawn devolved into a cruel dance in the mud and gore - one of pushing and pulling and stabbing at the rhythm dictated by the roar of our foes and the bone whistle of our centurion. Yet nobody complains; no true legionnaire would. The green-skinned bastards have to be stopped here. For our families. For our Empire. For the Emperor, too, though I would rather pray to Old Hand Marcus than to the distant, slumbering God-King in our capital that I've never seen. But best keep that to myself, else the Priests of Sergorod find some punishment for me. They would sure love to. Perhaps there will be a night attack, too, at least that's what the talk is around camp now. If so, and considering the losses of the 3rd and 7th cohors in the last few days, I am not sure I will ever see the capital...'

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#art #character #legionnaire #xeryn #xerynempire

Character Poses - Skornar
18 Jun | 10:00 am

Skornar may keep reminding you that he is getting old but he is still one of the best fighters you can have among your Companions. Sturdy and crafty, he is very tanky, able to mitigate and sustain a lot of damage before going down. Though he may not deal tons of damage, his support skills make him extremely useful on the battlefield.

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#art #character #companioncombat #crewcombat #poses #skornar

Location Artwork - Salum
11 Jun | 10:00 am

'Ever been to Salum, mate? Mighty odd place I tell ya. Them Ratharnak mooks claim to have struck gold with the salt but the operation looks pretty shitty if ye ask me. Perhaps they literally struck gold instead, eh?'

- The musings of the vagabond called Shakub over an ale, shortly before his disappearance

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#art #dragonlands #location #ratharnakalliance #salum #scythichnis

Project Update - Media Selector
06 Jun | 10:00 am

April  and May were tough on us with a super busy schedule but it was well worth it. Let' see why in some detail!

We attended Reboot Develop Blue in Dubrovnik as you may know and talked to a number of press representatives. A great example of that is the video above, which was recorded as part of a longer discussion that you can read here:

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#crowdfunding #fig #press #projectupdate #socialmedia

Companion Combat Deployment Redesign
23 May | 10:00 am

Hey Vagrus Fans,

while our Fig crowdfunding campaign is in full effect, we've been busy working on one of the gameplay updates: the new deployment features for Companion Combat.

Above you can see the old and the new Deployment UI and probably can easily spot the differences.

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#character #companioncombat #deployment #fig #milestone

Location Artwork - Imperial Quarry
21 May | 10:00 am

There are many quarries in the middle regions of the Empire, which consists of territories relatively rich in useful resources: stone, marble, crystal, and obsidian. Three of the sites stand out and will be locations in the game:

The Acherus Quarry is the largest and oldest one in the whole region. It was established before the Orc Wars when the armies of the Empire were in dire need of obsidian for the war effort. Since then, Acherus has run dry and only provides little of the black, glassy material every year. It is overseen by House Darius.

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#art #location #quarry #resources #xerynempire

Character Artwork - Dragon Guard
07 May | 10:00 am

'As the morning drew on beneath the piercing gaze of the merciless sun, Levitius saw the soldiers of the 19th slowly gaining a foothold on the south bank in a fierce melee. Covered in blood and dust, the legionnaires looked more like a gored sand wyrm, writhing madly as it got stranded on solid rock. Then something passed before the sun. He heard one of his evocati shout 'Dragonguuuuuuuard!' before the mighty drakes with the elite warriors of the enemy on their backs started their first swoop and at last Levitius knew the number of his days.'

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#art #character #dragonguard #dragonlands

Location Artwork - The Sunken Tower
16 Apr | 10:00 am

'They say that the tower was so tall that its pinnacle scraped the heavens. These days, though, only about two hundred feet of stained marble poke out from under the endless dunes of Arenas Vorax. What happened to the rest of the tower? Heh. They say that you can enter through a window and go down the steps, deeper and deeper under the sands, deeper and deeper until you reach the other side of the world. They also say that things lurk down there and skitter endlessly in the black abyss. But they say many things...'

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#arenasvorax #art #calamity #location #sunkentower