Location Artwork - Tor'Zag's Shelter
07 Apr | 10:00 am

Tor'Zag's Shelter is a vast, dark city in the belly of the Blackblood Mountains, carved out mostly by Imperials after obsidian became scarcer in the region and the fleeing armies of Warleader Tor'Zag, an Orc general, capitulated, leaving the tunnels beneath the mountain at the end of the Orc War. People who lost everything came here to share respite from the scorching sun of the Jagged Waste with traders who were looking to establish a way-station between Deven in the north and the Province in the south. Now, a couple of hundred years later, the Shelter is among the five greatest cities of the continent.

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#art #location

Project Update - A New Era
02 Apr | 10:00 am

We have started almost every single project update with 'A lot has happened since our last update' but now the 'lot' of the past seems kind of tiny compared to the 'LOT' of today.

The Pandemic

Corona hit hard and unexpected. What we looked at with blissful ignorance and naivety in the early days turned our lives upside down in mere weeks.  Luckily, everyone from the team is safe and sound as of now, though being in the middle of the flu season we cannot be certain whether we've been exposed to the virus already or not. Either way, we  stay home to keep everyone around us safer.

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Project Update - Currency Changes
12 Mar | 10:00 am

The Riven Realms has been around for over two decades now for us who created it for our tabletop campaigns, and the setting has quite a lot of currencies, even if one only considers the continent of Xeryn. When we set out to develop Vagrus, we picked three coin types not to overcrowd the UI: the Lyrg, a copper coin; the Bross, a silver coin; and Draka, a rare and very valuable golden coin. These are all coins that are used fairly often in large-scale commerce on the continent, and they are also fairly easy to identify as the copper-silver-gold trio of currency is fairly common in historical and fantasy settings.

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Location Artwork - The Plains of Bone
11 Feb | 10:00 am

'What draws them to this place, I wonder. Is it the utter sadness that permeates this forsaken expanse? Does it call to them when they begin to feel the chill breath of death? Perhaps there is a wordless language spanning all species that speaks as the realm of Ahskul starts to beckon.'

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The New Open Access Build (v0.4.9) is LIVE!
09 Jan | 10:00 am

In the meantime, Patch 0.4.9 went live mid-December and all the goodies it brought can be checked out below or in-game, of course! I hope you enjoy the fixes and additional features, we'll be back soon with more.
New Features
  • MS 6: Crew Combat Alpha
  • MS 14: Unrest and Obedience Mechanics (Partial delivery): Liberate or Discipline Slaves to gain Obedience. Unrest will be added in a later update.
  • Butcher beasts or mounts for supplies
  • Warning triggers if an action would result in cargo loss
 Additional milestones delivered that will only appear in the main campaign 
  • MS 10: Chart Exploration
  • MS 11: Companion Select during Events
  • MS 13: Hidden Stash and Smuggling Contraband
 New / Updated Content or Game mechanics 
  • New sound effects for a number of creatures
  • Camping without guards decreases Obedience
  • Radial menu icons automatically pop up on the campaign map
  • Node sizes increased for Point of Interests to better indicate them
  • Goods tooltips now show more trade information
  • Merged a few perks to make them more impactful
  • Passenger destinations are now generated correctly in new games (thanks for catching and reporting this!)! Old saves remain bugged.
  • New Day save now works after combat encounters in the Fighting Pit event
  • Cargo slot changes are now applied immediately
  • Fixed tutorial pins for closing the Journal and the Codex
  • Fixed a bug causing Companion conversation portraits to be empty
  • Healing companions no longer triggers the incorrect Event result text
  • Fixed the Journal entry order for The Black Knight chapter V, Eliminating the Abolitionist Camps
  • Clicking on the Journal or Codex during "Hold space..." tutorial/narration is up now does not open them
 Coming Up Next
  • More Sound Effects
  • Vagrus Creation for the Main Campaign
  • Companion Combat tweaks and additions
  • Factions UI
  • Animations for all characters
  • Open World Prototype


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Character Poses - Criftaa
07 Jan | 10:00 am

You fought her in Pilgrims of the Wasteland, now you can hire her in the main campaign - Criftaa is back with a little skill and stat rundown! She is a character with a dark past and a cold, professional demeanor. Her journey has had a lot of cruelty, abuse, and heartbreak, which forged her into a deadly bounty hunter and a true survivor.

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Project Update - December 2019
19 Dec | 10:00 am

Hey All,

it's been a long time since we posted a project update, and we have a number of important news to share so here we go!

Lost Pilgrims is 2 Years Old

It is hard to believe that we founded the studio two years ago - who would have thought that time was going to fly so quickly. We have achieved many things and learned a LOT about game development. We lived through highs and lows alike, but the most important thing is that we persevered. Just to give you an idea, here are a few highlights:

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Hidden Stash and Contraband (Video)
05 Dec | 10:00 am

This video demonstrates the difference between showing up to the gates of a major city with contraband in your cargo hold and contraband hidden in your stash.
In the first case, you can try to bribe or con the guards but it's a difficult (and often expensive) venture, which can end in fines, faction reputation loss, or worse.
Contraband tucked away in the hidden stash - a piece of equipment you can get from certain places - hides the goods from the inspection, however, and you can safely take it into cities. The question is only whether or not you can sell it there.

The Lost Pilgrims Team


Our crowdfunding campaign is LIVE at Get instant access to the Alpha build now!


Wanna get the game as early as possible with even more content? Please share our pages and posts with your friends through your favorite social media channel(s). Appreciate it! | Steam | Website | Youtube | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Patreon | Discord

Location Artwork - Maar Gorad
26 Nov | 10:00 am

I'd sooner go walking in Maar Gorad.

- A common saying in terra supra, meaning 'not a chance'

Not all regions of the northern part of the continent are deserts or arid wasteland, even though those are the most recognizable features as well as the most numerous. One region stands out with its wet, humid atmosphere and its moors that are almost impossible to navigate: Maar Gorad, the Unforgiving Swamp.

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Enhanced and Extended Sound Effects (Game Design Post)
14 Nov | 10:00 am

One of the great benefits of our successful crowdfunding campaign is being able to expand on parts of the game we felt we were unsatisfied with. One such area was Sound Effects, which was largely (but not exclusively) populated by placeholders up till recently.

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