Location Artwork - Smolderbone Flats
22 May | 10:00 am

The Calamity burned down the great forests, tranquil glades, and neat hedges of the region that is now the Searing Plains. A part of it, what is today called Smolderbone Flats, used to be a series of large lakes and islands surrounded by these forests. During the cataclysm, the lakes became sour and salty in a matter of hours and everything in them died. Today even the traces of them are gone. What remains is a barren, infertile, salty flatland that is only inhabited by weird monsters that thrive in such environments: salamanders, fire lizards, even fiery elemental creatures. 

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#art #avernum #calamity #location #smolderboneflats

Vagrus Pre-Alpha Combat Demo #3
16 May | 10:00 am

Here's another short video on the combat of Vagrus for you to check out!

This time, apart from the new combat background, enemies called the Cinderborn are shown in action. These smoldering undead inflict fire damage over time effects with their attacks.

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#cinderborn #herocombat #ingamefootage #smolderboneflats #video

Location Artwork - Avernum
12 Apr | 5:37 pm

Avernum is the most important city in the Northern Searing Plains. The reborn Empire moved back to the scorched and abandoned region soon after the Calamity and found it ideal to settle because of the new resources that can be found in the vicinity: salt, rare minerals, and even obsidian. Thus, Avernum was built at the center of the Smolderbone Flats. The city mostly lacks the religious apparatus of large provincial settlements, but has a fairly large military presence there under the direct control of the Prefectus, its governor. Rumor is that due to its backwater status, the city of Avernum follows Imperial regulations more loosely, and it has become essentially the private kingdom of the reigning Prefectus.

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#art #avernum #location #smolderboneflats #xerynempire