Our Page Going Live!
21 Jul | 10:00 am

Vagrus page

In our crusade to get Vagrus to the players who would play it we are constantly looking for new opportunities. Game portals, of course, offer a good chance to present the game to as many as possible, so it was only a matter of time that we reached out to some.

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#2018 #earlyaccess #itch #io #lostpilgrims #vagrus

Project Update - June 2018
26 Jun | 10:00 am

A lot has happened since our last project update, so let's dig in without delay!

Expanding team

Beside Marci who has recently joined our ranks as an intern and is already working on implementing new features for the game in Unity + C#, we have also got two new writers checking out our self-developed event editor tool to ready themselves for mass content production once we plunge into that phase (right after publishing our playable demo). Rest assured that we will post details about them and their work when we get there. 

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#2018 #indiedev #lostpilgrims #projectupdate #team

Project Update - April 2018
21 Apr | 6:44 pm

Some time ago we promised to invite you all to a virtual tour of our office, so without further ado, here goes:

First stop - Budapest, 13th district

Our office is located in an edifice built in the socialist era but kept in fairly good condition compared to how others fared. Back in the day when programming meant punched cards, the whole building housed a prominent company developing 'software' on those.

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#lostpilgrims #office #projectupdate #team #tools