February Tech Update Post
16 Feb | 10:00 am

Hello everyone,

In our previous post, we announced the opening of our public Beta branch. Since then, we’ve also been hard at work to implement all the improvements – and more – in our default branch, so here’s an overview of the things we are planning to include!

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#2023 #projectupdate #tech

A New Demo Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.15 - Codename: Perficientur et Qualis Vitae
10 Jun | 11:00 am

Hey everyone,

We keep working on improving features and fixing issues for the game and from time to time we push it into the Demo build as well – this is such a time! The most significant additions are Character UI-related improvements, as well as new content, albeit the restricted nature of the Demo makes accessing some of these a bit tricky. Still, we included them for the sake of thoroughness. We have also improved visuals and fixed about a dozen bugs.

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A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.15 - Codename: Notas et effectus
02 Jun | 5:00 pm

Hey everyone,

As usual, we’ve been working on fixing issues and adding new features as well as improvements. The most significant additions include our new name generator, along with the custom journal and chart notes features. As for improvements, besides smaller optimizations across various parts of the game, we have made the Companion Combat AI significantly faster while the initial loading time has been shortened as well.

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#projectupdate #patch #update

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.0.50 - Codename: Prepared
13 Apr | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

We managed to squeeze in quite a number of improvements and reworks while new content is being created by the team. It includes a lot of things that we have been unable to rework until now, so we're super satisfied that we got around to them. In this patch, we specifically concentrated on Companion Combat UI and the Game Log, but there are a lot of other additions and fixes, too. We've talked about these changes here and here. You can find the detailed patch notes below.

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#projectupdate #patch #update

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.0.20 - Codename: Guilder
23 Feb | 12:00 pm

Hey everyone,

we have a new patch for Vagrus, which is incidentally the first to add sizable new content - namely, the faction leader NPCs and interactions for the Loaders' and Carpenters' Guilds, something that has been lacking compared to other factions. Each of them can give you a new quest to further get into their good graces (and get a little something-something for yourself in the process, of course). Below are the detailed patch notes.

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#projectupdate #patch #update

The Art of Vagrus - The Riven Realms
10 Feb | 10:00 am

The artbook of Vagrus is finally here (well, technically it is also on its way to everyone who ordered it) and holding it in our hands is indeed fantastic.

Admittedly, putting the book together was quite rough. Some of us thought that pulling it together from already existing artwork and writing texts around the art is going to take a couple of weeks. Turns out, compiling and writing something this big for physical publishing takes a handful of months, more like. All this in spite of doing a sort of a dry run previously with the smaller (A5) art booklet that went into the Collectors' Editions, albeit that had no texts accompanying the images. 

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#art #artbook #2022

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.01 - Codename: Outpost
17 Oct | 2:00 pm

Hey everyone,

We've been trying to catch up since the launch last Tuesday and get on top of some of the bugs that many of you reported while also rounding out the missing Outpost and Wealth victory path ending parts. Although some bugs are still being hunted, the latter two are now being added to Vagrus.

This means that you can now build your own outpost out in the wasteland (one specific spot for now, room for expansion later), and upgrade it bit by bit so that in the end it yields you profit from time to time if managed properly. It is important to know that no new UI or feature comes with the outpost, since Vagrus is not a game that involves building stuff - the outpost is instead presented in Event format like it was envisioned from the beginning (and similar to other victory paths). Once completed, the outpost can be used for vagri with the Wealth ambition to win the game (but can be completed with all vagri). It's super expensive to do that, mind you, giving you a nice endgame goal and challenge.

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#projectupdate #patch #update #release

Character Animation - Veles Gladiator
21 Sep | 10:00 am

Veles are agile, tough gladiators that move and bounce around with ease thanks to their light gear and excessive training. In their idle animation we made use of a wide stance with a raised shield, ideal for spear fighting.


Our crowdfunding campaign is LIVE at Get instant access to the Early Access now!

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#art #animation #enemy

Character Artwork - Kal-rish
10 Aug | 10:00 am

'You have taken our herd-brother captive, two-legs. Now you either trade him back to us or face the wrath of my tribe. I would think twice before you answer. When irked, we are not unlike Kal-dai-Ruhk, Great Spirit of the Eternal Wastes, when he summons his calamitous gales to wipe away whole cities.'

- The Kal-rish traveling merchant Ku-ro-Rath bargaining for his kin's life with a soon-to-be destroyed outpost's magistrate

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#art #enemy #kal #rish

Character Poses - Necromancer
03 Aug | 10:00 am

Necromancy is the arcane art of manipulating life-force, allowing practitioners to communicate with the dead and animate Undead minions. In most of the Riven Realms, this school of magic is associated with the Priests of Ahskul - worshipers of the God of Death - and Necromancers. The majority of the latter either belong to the Church, too, or are otherwise licensed by the Empire. Thus in Vagrus, Necromancer enemies almost always strengthen Imperial rosters, although you can come across some rogue practitioners, too.

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#character #pose