Character Artwork - Murmillo
16 Jun | 10:00 am

Murmillo is a gladiator type from ancient Rome, one of the most iconic in fact, so when it came to designing gladiators for the world of Vagrus, there was no question about including one that looks and feels exactly like the real world warrior of the same name. We wanted to change it around a bit to make it compatible with the pseudo-Roman fantasy world, but these changes are subtle at best, like the absence of fish imagery, bronze used for the metal parts due to the rarity of harder metals, as well as a different loincloth and belt.

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#arc #character

Character Poses - Ashlander
09 Jun | 10:00 am

Ashmen, or Ashlanders, are the tribesmen of the Forsaken Waste, an endless desert of grey sand and little else. Yet these nomads make a harsh living off the Qurus, gigantic snail-like creatures, as well as other critters that roam the monotonous wasteland.

When coming face to face with an Ashlander in the game, you can expect a tough huntsman, though by themselves these enemies provide little challenge. In greater numbers they can make use of their supplementary ability, bleed inducing attacks, and ranged capabilities. Their combat skills are:

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#art #creature #poses

Character Artwork - Dragon Mages
05 May | 10:00 am

'We do not worship the Dragons like you do your false Imperial Gods. We do not sacrifice to them or beg for their fickle blessings. Our Dragonlords are our paragons; a testament to what every being can aspire to and the source of the Flame that lives in all of us. That same Flame can burn your ass to crisp if you dare slander their name again.'

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#art #character #enemy

Project Update - Companion Combat AI Improvements
23 Apr | 10:00 am

Initially, we built Companion Combat without too much focus on the combat AI, knowing full well that it would be a massive task to code and having most of the combat features locked before we do so would make it overall a more efficient undertaking.

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Character Artwork - Ashmen
21 Apr | 10:00 am

'Colorless fellows, these Ashmen. But what else would they be, livin' out on that damned, grey wasteland. Naught but ash, silt, and starvation. No wonder they keep comin' south, keep pushin' into our realm. It spells trouble for all of us, I'm tellin' ya.'

- Bultok, mushroom farmer, deep in his cups

'There is no 'Ashman-problem' as far as Imperial authorities are concerned.'

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#art #character #enemy

Project Update - The Open World
26 Mar | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

we wanted to provide an update on Vagrus as we come close to releasing the first Open World build. We've been talking about it for a long time now, we know, but we hope you will appreciate the ambition of this small team, along with all the effort and heart poured into the game when you get your hands on it.

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Character Poses - Ghoul
17 Mar | 10:00 am

Ghouls are mysterious creatures whose origins you may be able to find out by playing Vagrus. They hunt at night, preying on beast and human alike, traveling great distances in packs. Their sickly, frail humanoid form hides terrifying strength and astonishing speed, which the Ghouls utilize to corner and eviscerate their victims. It is a common misconception to consider these creatures Undead because of their looks and name, they are far from it, falling into the category of mutants rather.

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Character Poses - Splinter
25 Feb | 10:00 am

Without a doubt, Splinters are (currently) among the most difficult enemies of Vagrus. Immense in size and weight, built of solid, living crystal, these creatures are among the toughest customers you can run into. A very high Armor and Vitality stat makes Splinters very difficult to destroy, and a decent Block value results in an occasional rise in Armor to top things off. Due to their unconventional crystal structure, they are also extremely difficult to affect with magic, except electricity and pure magical energy.

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Crew Combat (Game Design Post)
30 Jan | 10:00 am

Crew Combat is the most common way you will handle violent conflicts as you roam the wastelands of the Riven Realms. We wanted to give you a rundown of the basic concepts here so that those interested might find some insights.


Each Crew Combat encounter identifies the two sides as either the Attacker or the Defender. The player's comitatus can typically be the attacker when they raid small settlements or prey upon other travelers, while they are often found as the defender when getting accosted by monsters, outlaws, or worse.

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Character Poses - Criftaa
07 Jan | 10:00 am

You fought her in Pilgrims of the Wasteland, now you can hire her in the main campaign - Criftaa is back with a little skill and stat rundown! She is a character with a dark past and a cold, professional demeanor. Her journey has had a lot of cruelty, abuse, and heartbreak, which forged her into a deadly bounty hunter and a true survivor.

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