The Hotfix and Our DLCs
27 Jun | 10:00 am

Having deployed Old Acquaintances’ first hotfix, the team at Lost Pilgrims Studio has moved on to our next project: the regional DLC. The beginning of this process is iterative and requires intense coordination; it begins with the design phase, planning locations, and an overarching narrative. We need to understand what unique gameplay elements the DLC will bring to the table, which narrative beats we want to focus on, and finally, which characters or NPCs will drive that narrative.

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#2024 #dlc #teaser #hotfix

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.170.0618W - Hotfix & Localization
21 Jun | 11:00 am

Hey everyone,

Hot on the heels of last week’s Old Acquaintances release, today we’re deploying a hotfix to ameliorate the issues that players have reported. We are happy to see that there were no big problems, and even happier with the great feedback we’ve received from the players currently enjoying the DLC.

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#2024 #patch #hotfix

Kadaath and the Outer Realms
30 Nov | 10:00 am

Today we’re eager to delve into one of the newest additions to Vagrus : Kadaath on the Outer Realms. Released for free for all players at the same time as our first expansion, this section of the Outer Realms can be accessed by first heading to Lumen in the base game, where vagri can begin a quest to get there provided that the year is at least 1108 p.c., they have at least four hundred Bross, three Companions, and at least three Renown. An in-game pop-up directs new or returning players there also, though this information can also be accessed at any time by using the “What’s new?” button under the Extras submenu in Vagrus’s main menu.

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#2023 #art #location

Expansion Teaser: Oil Fields
29 Jun | 10:00 am

With our expansion Sunfire and Moonshadow looming ever closer on the horizon, we decided to talk a bit about the most valuable treasure the expansion region has to offer: oil. Yes, indeed. Ever wondered where denizens of the Riven Realms get their precious oil? This week's teaser showcases one of the prime locations where they are found: throughout the Bronze Desert.

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#2023 #expansion #teaser

Budapest Game Dev Day 2023
09 Mar | 10:00 am

Hello everyone,

A big event took place in our neck of the woods on 24th February: the Budapest Game Dev Day Academy, which is the largest conference for game developers in Hungary. Over 20 dev teams and studios showed up at the event, which also featured more than 30 presentations and panel discussions. The last Game Dev Day was held in 2020, and it was amazing to take part in one now, after three long years.

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#gdd #2023 #team

February Tech Update Post
16 Feb | 10:00 am

Hello everyone,

In our previous post, we announced the opening of our public Beta branch. Since then, we’ve also been hard at work to implement all the improvements – and more – in our default branch, so here’s an overview of the things we are planning to include!

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#2023 #projectupdate #tech

Project Update - Bug Reporting Improvements
26 Jan | 10:00 am

Today’s post will take on more of a technical focus. We recognize that these kinds of updates are not for everyone – if, however, you are interested in our internal processes and how you might help us improve the game for all moving forward, we invite you to read on.

As we have discussed before, one of the key focuses at Lost Pilgrims Studio right now is bringing Vagrus to multiple new platforms and dealing with the challenges that arise therein. To address these forthcoming challenges, we have revamped our bug reporting tool in-game, as shown above.

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#2023 #projectupdate #bug #bugreport #improvements

Turn-based Fest Follow-up
29 Dec | 10:00 am

We recently announced Turn-based Fest, an event that originated from the initiative and hashtag #TurnBasedThursday – a collaborative project we launched roughly one and a half years ago. The Fest itself was essentially a curated Steam sale that put a focus on turn-based games. With the first Turn-based Fest now behind us, we are happy to report that the Fest was both a blast and a resounding success among many participants! Imagining that the details may be of interest to many people, regardless of having partaken in the festival or not, we have put together some noteworthy insights about the event and its aftermath.

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#TurnBasedThursday #2022 #projectupdate #hiddengems

Project Update - Update on Vagrus Localization
12 Oct | 10:00 am


Hello everyone,

This one is going to be an update on localization. A while back, we cited the game’s complexity, size, and it being a niche game that resulted in a relatively low sales volume as factors that made any kind of localization unlikely. Despite that, we have been encouraging players to still wishlist the game and let us know what languages they would like to see it translated into in a dedicated localization thread and promised to reassess the situation after a while to see what is desired and viable and what is not. A year has passed since, and it is time for us to do just that, which led to a good and bad news kind of situation. The bad news is that sales figures and declining wishlists in non-English-speaking regions made the prospect of official translations not viable.

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#2022 #projectupdate #localization

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.25 - Codename: Seekers
22 Sep | 7:00 pm

Hey everyone,

This time, we've got a new free DLC for you, along with revamped Scouting, a Glossary to clarify gameplay mechanisms and UI elements, as well as major backend improvements. It would be no understatement to say that this is a huge stepping stone for us and the Riven Realms.

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#2022 #build #patch #update #dlc