Character Poses - Criftaa
07 Jan | 10:00 am

You fought her in Pilgrims of the Wasteland, now you can hire her in the main campaign - Criftaa is back with a little skill and stat rundown! She is a character with a dark past and a cold, professional demeanor. Her journey has had a lot of cruelty, abuse, and heartbreak, which forged her into a deadly bounty hunter and a true survivor.

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Character Animation - Brigand
10 Dec | 10:00 am

Another enemy animation has come off the conveyor belt! The Brigand is now ready to fight your companions in all his animated glory, brandishing his spear and sporting that baller turtle-shell helmet.

The Lost Pilgrims Team


Our crowdfunding campaign is LIVE at Get instant access to the Alpha build now!

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Character Artwork - Criftaa
05 Nov | 10:00 am

'But guys, there has already been a post about Criftaa. Is this the same?'

'No! And yes! The Criftaa you have seen is from 'Pilgrims of the Wasteland'. She is an enemy there, and a very important one at that. This Criftaa is a companion version of the same person, some 10 years after the events of 'Pilgrims of the Wasteland'.'

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The New Open Access Build (v0.4.5) is OUT!
18 Oct | 6:00 pm

Key Highlights on what's included in the new release


  • Milestone 3 - Extended Narration Voice Over for Agos
  • Milestone 7 - Character Idle Animations in Companion Combat
  • Milestone 8 - Enduring Effects (it means curses, of course)
  • Milestone 9 - Random Passengers, and
  • Milestone 12 - Workforce Mechanics (partially).

The have been or will be game design posts about all but one: narration so let's focus on that for a second.

New Content: Extended Narration
It has taken much longer than expected to reach Charles - the voice of Agos the Wanderer - due to some personal matters as well as his change of career. We are happy to share that now we have all the narration recorded for Agos through-out Pilgrims of the Wasteland, and even for the beginning of the main game as he leaves your comitatus after sharing his story. We plan to make a few minor sound editing changes to these new recordings but wanted to delay this build no further, so we will do that in a subsequent iteration only. When playing the PotW story, it gives so much to it already that we think you will like this a lot. Also, here's a shout-out for Charles' new focus as he instructs singers on how to become more confident. Check out and sign up to support his Patreon page if you are interested.

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Character Poses - Undead Legionnaire
01 Oct | 10:00 am

Legionnaires are often not relieved of their duties in the Empire once they die but are resurrected as Undead soldiers to continue serving the Emperor and His Holy Agenda. These mindless, soulless shamblers are then sent against enemies of the Empire in the thousands. They feel no fear - they feel nothing, really.

Sometimes these automatons still carry faded legionnaire equipment and pieces of armor, stumbling forward at the command of their necromantic masters. They are slow yet quite sturdy, their skeletal bodies and worn armor proving difficult for most attacks to damage.

Unliving Stab: This is the only skill of this enemy type, which is neither intimidating nor anything special - a single-target, weak melee attack.

Though no serious threat on its own, the real potential of the Unliving Legionnaire is unlocked when they swarm the battlefield in numbers and especially when they are supported by Necromancers who can buff, heal, and even summon additional units of them.


Our crowdfunding campaign is LIVE at Get instant access to the Alpha build now!


Wanna get the game as early as possible with even more content? Please share our pages and posts with your friends through your favorite social media channel(s). Appreciate it! | Steam | Website | Youtube | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Patreon | Discord 

Project Update - Laurels, New Fig Milestones, and Platform Announcement
29 Aug | 3:00 pm

Laurels All Around

In our endeavour to get Vagrus into the sights of as many cRPG lovers as we can, we applied for featured spots in a number of nearby game shows - successfully! Not only did we get invited to present Vagrus the game itself but our art design and developer pitch has been rewarded as well making it into the official selection of said shows (see above). That reminds us to bring to your attention the upcoming opportunities to meet us in person:

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#fig #gameportals #gameshow #gog #milestone #projectupdate

Character Poses - Hollow Eye
16 Jul | 10:00 am


The creepy Hollow Eyes may look like weird children but in truth they are one of the most dangerous enemies you can come across while traversing the Riven Realms. Luckily, these creatures of cold hatred can only be encountered in and around the Hollow Crags and the Hargad Tuul in general.

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Creature Artwork - Undead Legionnaire
09 Jul | 10:00 am

'Worry not, general. Their right flank won't be able to cross the gullies to press your lines. I and my apprentices will make sure that the enemy is flooded in corpus vile. Worry not about squandering resources, either. Those same soldiers in the gully will provide the reinforcements.'

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#art #creature #undead #undeadlegionnaire #xerynempire

Character Poses - Skornar
18 Jun | 10:00 am

Skornar may keep reminding you that he is getting old but he is still one of the best fighters you can have among your Companions. Sturdy and crafty, he is very tanky, able to mitigate and sustain a lot of damage before going down. Though he may not deal tons of damage, his support skills make him extremely useful on the battlefield.

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#art #character #companioncombat #crewcombat #poses #skornar

Character Poses - Tainted Madman
28 May | 11:00 am

As the name suggests, Tainted Madmen are unfortunate souls driven insane by the arcane disease called the Taint. Even if it does not directly erode their minds, the more extremely mutated of these forsaken are cast out by family and society, which is often enough to start them down a path of madness and desperation.

As enemies in the game, Tainted Madmen are often encountered all around the central regions of the Empire. Living in city gutters, sewers, or caves in the wilderness, they often emerge to waylay passersby.

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#art #character #poses #tainted #taintedmadman