Companion Reveal - Nedir the Sorceress
09 Feb | 10:00 am

We've got a bit of an announcement on our hands, folks! As it happens, you are about to get a new, previously unannounced companion for your travels in the person of Nedir, the lovely (but cruel) lady you can see on this character art image. It's no easy task adding new companions to the game but it is certainly rewarding to create them - we hope it'll be equally fun to find Nedir and have her as a member of your team. So who is she and what does she do?

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#art #enemy #assassin

Character Poses - Wraith
02 Feb | 10:00 am

Wraiths are a race of subterranean humanoids who have adapted to the utter darkness and cramped spaces of caverns. Hairless, pale, and small of stature, they do not seem much of a threat but underestimating them often proves lethal. In-game, you can come across their enemy version in cities as well as members of an outlaw group. Sometimes you can even encounter enemy groups made up solely of Wraiths.

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#character #pose #wraith

The New Build is OUT - Patch 0.5.25. - Codename: Beasty
29 Jan | 4:00 pm

Hey Folks,


this patch is a beast in all sense. So many new features and changes have been added that if you ever considered starting a new play-through, this might be the perfect time for it. A shedload of tweaks has been applied to make the early game a little more forgiving (without making the late game easier), and we look forward to your feedback on the direction of these changes.

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#projectupdate #patch

Character Poses - Dark Elves
12 Jan | 10:00 am

This week's enemy breakdown post takes a look at he Dark Elf Marauder/Mercenary, one of the newer enemies added to the game. Let's dive in!

As we have previously discussed, these Dark Elven warriors either fight in lockstep formations in their Prince's armies, maraud on the surface at their lord's behest, or serve as mercenaries in the Riven Realms (mercenary variant).

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#art #poses

Character Artwork - Assassin
15 Dec | 10:00 am

The Assassin enemy in Vagrus is a version of the Handjari Assassins of Tark, sharing skills and a general appearance of a masked, sneaky killer. Yet their looks are less culturally specific than their Tarkian brethren and this was the goal with their character art so that they can fit easier into the many combat encounters where mercenaries or henchmen are found, complementing their combat effectiveness with their deadly toys.

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#art #enemy #assassin

Patch 0.5.21 - codename: HighLife
09 Dec | 10:00 am

Hey everyone, a quick recap of the patch/fix that went live during the weekend can be found here. Hopefully, the more egregious errors have been squashed, now onto the smaller ones as well as the upcoming content development before the year closes out. :)

New/Updated Features:  

  • Exploit leadership perk enabled. Use RF to reroll available Trade Tasks  
  • Objective area markers for certain events where you need to scout a larger area [like bounties] so you know, at least roughly, the location  
  • Goods category filters on the Market  
  • Specify quantity button on the Market - mainly for Steam Remote Play users playing on iPads  
  • Goods pilfered by the enemy can be taken back if you destroy them in Crew Combat  - Entering major settlements with a larger armed force now requires a license  
  • Vagrus now runs in the background

Bug Fixes:

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#projectupdate #patch

A New Build is OUT - Patch 0.5.20. - Codename: Plunder!
01 Dec | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

today, we are happy to share the changes we squeezed into this new update! Better yet, we have included two additional features that we managed to implement on top of our initial plans.

A quick recap of what we have added (skip ahead to see the bonus additions):

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Character Artwork - Wraith
17 Nov | 10:00 am

'Disgusting little runts. Eaters of the dead. Pale vermin. I hereby vow to do all in my power to push them out of your neighborhoods and businesses, to bar them from decent citizens of the Empire, and in the end perhaps even rid this city of their filth altogether.'

- Tribune Septimus Votano of Deven in a speech about Wraiths during his campaign for office

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#art #enemy #wraith

Character Artwork - Dark Elves
27 Oct | 10:00 am

'How hasty you are to point out that my people owe allegiance to your Senator. But your petty strife and pitiful intrigues bore us, Imperial, and our allegiance is merely ink on paper, not invoked by blood. We never shared battle, nor feasts, nor kinship. The Senator thought to purchase us with that crude contract but we are Moreldin, descendants of Caladnir Aen Daglunath and the great heroes of the Second Age, the victors of the Forgeheart Massacre, the defenders of the Kavraenar Ziggurath, and scions of Dread Skar'Voran. My kin owes nothing to yours save for the silver already paid as per your sorry little contract. Tell this to your Senator.'

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#art #enemy #darkelves

Project Update - Companion Progression
15 Oct | 10:00 am

One of the most requested additions by our Early Access players has been Companion progression for a while now, and it's no surprise. Being a party-based RPG at its heart, Vagrus has a roster of unique Companions that are your most trusty lieutenants with their own backstories, skills, and personalities. It is only natural that they can become stronger with time and effort - and we have naturally designed this progression system in the beginning, but we held off on adding it because there were a lot of specifics to work out and the EA experience functioned fairly well without it.

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