Two More Milestones Funded | Crew Combat Coming Up Next
17 May | 1:00 am

What a Great Start!

Just in a few days from launching the public phase of our campaign we have passed two additional milestones: Scouting and Trade Systems.

Thank you so much to all our Backers and supporters on social media! This would not have been possible without you!

So, let's take count of where we are and what comes next.


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#fig #projectupdate #development #team #crewcombat #milestone #crowdfunding

New Codex UI (Alpha)
14 Mar | 10:00 am

As we are cycling through and iterating the various UI elements of the game, we have now arrived to the Codex and gave it a neat little redesign. Many of you have enjoyed reading Codex entries (yay!) and we wanted to upgrade and update the experience, especially along the lines of your feedback.

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#2019 #art #codex #unity #userinterface

Project Update - November 2018
28 Nov | 10:00 am

It seems we are getting into the habit of sharing project updates monthly now - there is just so much going on. To make the best use of your time, let's jump right in!

Social Media

We have got an awesome two months behind us since our last social media update. The most important development was that we put additional effort into regularly publishing news about Vagrus on major gaming portals like Steam, GameJolt,, and IndieDB. And it paid off! We have gathered over a thousand new followers on those platforms. Just during the four days of being featured on GameJolt, more than five hundred fans signed up to follow our journey.

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#2018 #alpha #gameportals #projectupdate #testing

Project Update - April 2018
21 Apr | 6:44 pm

Some time ago we promised to invite you all to a virtual tour of our office, so without further ado, here goes:

First stop - Budapest, 13th district

Our office is located in an edifice built in the socialist era but kept in fairly good condition compared to how others fared. Back in the day when programming meant punched cards, the whole building housed a prominent company developing 'software' on those.

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#lostpilgrims #office #projectupdate #team #tools

A huge Thank You!
16 Feb | 11:27 pm

We are all extremely grateful and proud to share that we have just crossed the hundred dollars per month threshold earlier today here on our Patreon site.

It's your support and continued trust in our work that helped us to get this far, and we cannot say enough times how much we appreciate that. We hope you have been enjoying our updates, and kindle an interest in sharing the next chapters of our journey.

As we ramp up our graphic design and writing departments, as well as closing in on finishing our first prototype, which connects the different modules of our game, we could really use your help in shouting out, promoting your patronage and encouraging others to spread the word.

Thanks again and cheers!

The Lost Pilgrims Team

#lostpilgrims #patrons #sharethenews #team #thankyounote

Project update 2 - Feb 2018
03 Feb | 11:11 pm

Well, we have been so busy that we skipped a beat in our originally planned monthly project updates. Which is actually good news if we are looking at it from a progress perspective. So what has happened since last year?

After returning recharged (and pot-bellied) from the holiday period we focused our attention on two things: 

  • Creating additional graphic design capacity by finding more super-talented and like-minded artists to create environment and character art assets for us.
  • Prototyping our hero combat to test its mechanics both in terms of graphics and game design.

The obvious intent behind choosing those focus areas was that we wanted to show more to our follower community on how the game is going to look like as well as display some of the game mechanics we're planning on using.

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#2018 #artists #herocombat #madewithunity #projectupdate