Project Update - Upcoming Changes Part III
12 May | 10:00 am

In our previous project update, we discussed the changes of combat, as well as alterations we made to the Log and the Character Sheets. This week’s update covers modifications to the Initiative (INI) track that is receiving some much-needed polish.

Initiative Order Track - Before the Enhancements

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#projectupdate #initiative #changes

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.0.50 - Codename: Prepared
13 Apr | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

We managed to squeeze in quite a number of improvements and reworks while new content is being created by the team. It includes a lot of things that we have been unable to rework until now, so we're super satisfied that we got around to them. In this patch, we specifically concentrated on Companion Combat UI and the Game Log, but there are a lot of other additions and fixes, too. We've talked about these changes here and here. You can find the detailed patch notes below.

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#projectupdate #patch #update

Project Update - Upcoming Changes Part II.
07 Apr | 10:00 am

In Part I., we discussed upcoming changes that are not combat-related for the most part, so in this one we'll focus on updates to combat, as well as changes we've made to the Log.

Game Log Changes

We've felt for a while now that despite providing important information, the game log is not as informative as we would like it to be. And so we took our tools to it to give it a nice facelift and rework.

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#projectupdate #UI #revamp

Project Update - Vagrus Merch Design Reveal
30 Sep | 10:00 am

We've reached a point in the design of the physical rewards of our crowdfunding campaign and related merchandise that we decided to reveal what these items will look like. This includes a cloth chart, two kinds of T-shirts, and the two physical editions (Collector's and Emperor's Editions - more on their contents in a future post).

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#projectupdate #merch

A New Build is OUT - Patch 0.5.20. - Codename: Plunder!
01 Dec | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

today, we are happy to share the changes we squeezed into this new update! Better yet, we have included two additional features that we managed to implement on top of our initial plans.

A quick recap of what we have added (skip ahead to see the bonus additions):

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A New Build is OUT - Patch 0.5.16. - Codename: Salty!
14 Oct | 3:00 pm

Hey everyone,

and first of all let us thank all of you who shared their views regarding our planned priorities. We took that to heart and worked tirelessly to implement Companion Progression, which includes raising the Prowess cap from two to five, introducing Companion-specific traits that increase stats, and much more.

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#projectupdate #patch

Project Update - New Map Section
24 Sep | 10:00 am

Just a quick update: in line with our efforts to have more frequent content updates for Vagrus, we are getting close to releasing one that involves the salt flats of northeastern Jagged Waste. Expect endless expanses of white lake beds, a cruel 'work camp' with corrupt leadership, Dragon riders, faction politics, miners, clandestine conspiracies, spying, secrets, and salt. Lots of salt.

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A New Build is OUT - Patch 0.5.15. - Codename: Flee!
03 Sep | 8:00 pm

Hi Folks,

Thank you for all the feedback you shared with us in the last few weeks! This was immensely useful from the smallest bug reports to the super-ambitious ideas on how to turn Vagrus into a AAA title [thanks for crediting so grand a potential to our tiny team], and we appreciate you taking the time to help us with your insights.

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Project Update - AMA and FAQ
16 Jul | 10:00 am

Lost Pilgrims had an AMA session over on discord where players asked us questions about the game and the studio alike. We had a great time talking to people and decided to compile the questions and answers into a single AMA article for posterity. We also added some very frequently asked questions to the beginning that players or those looking up information on the game might find informative.

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Companion Combat Deployment Redesign
23 May | 10:00 am

Hey Vagrus Fans,

while our Fig crowdfunding campaign is in full effect, we've been busy working on one of the gameplay updates: the new deployment features for Companion Combat.

Above you can see the old and the new Deployment UI and probably can easily spot the differences.

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#character #companioncombat #deployment #fig #milestone