Hey everyone,
So Steam has updated its policies related to games sold on the platform, eliminating direct links from one page to another. This means that our main Vagrus page can no longer link to our Demo (Prologue) and vice versa. Before this was the case, we had our Demo (Prologue) set up as a different application, whereas now we must enable the Demo (Prologue) store page beneath the main game.
After last week’s feedback round-up, the bulk of the team has been focusing on delivering the quality of life (QoL) changes we spoke of roughly two weeks ago, which by now include a great deal of things. Among the most important of these is the ability to move on the campaign map by double-clicking and the extra information players will be able to view on their Companions’ character panes about Skills and summoned creatures.
This week we’re taking a look at an illustrative cross-section of recent feedback we’ve received about the game and highlighting some of the changes that are coming as a result. We pride ourselves on iterating Vagrus and improving the game at every chance we get, even if we can’t always fulfill the more extreme requests of our players and reviewers.
As we’ve alluded to in recent posts, the recent release of Old Acquaintances has set the creative part of the team into action on our next DLC, but what have our programmers, UI, and quality assurance people been up to?
Why, improving the game, of course. This is why we’re happy to present some impactful quality of life (QoL) changes that will help make your Vagrus experience all the smoother.
Hey everyone,
Hot on the heels of last week’s Old Acquaintances release, today we’re deploying a hotfix to ameliorate the issues that players have reported. We are happy to see that there were no big problems, and even happier with the great feedback we’ve received from the players currently enjoying the DLC.
Stay tuned and conquer the wasteland!
Hey everyone,
This time, we come to you with a huge package of changes to the game. The first order of business:
The Prologue (Demo)
This scenario offers players a fixed timeframe within which they can play Vagrus without purchasing the game. Since its release in May of 2023, we’ve been eyeballing it for quite some time, and have finally overhauled it with many of the quality of life improvements the main game has seen. See our Steam post here for more information.
As we close in on the release of our Old Acquaintances DLC, the portions of the team that are not busy drawing or writing have been hard at work on a plethora of miscellaneous QoL improvements, the fruits of which have now been made public.
Mercenary Tasks
We’ve always endeavored to make some sweeping changes to how Mercenary Tasks work, and happily, we’ve now had the time to implement them. These tasks have always had time limits, yet now, they function far more logically. This is to say that after you complete an elimination or defending task, you may return to the faction that gave it to you at any time after you do so, while in the past the time limit was still active, even after you had completed but haven’t turned it in.
Hey everyone,
We haven’t released a new build since way back in February, so we have got a slew of changes to discuss. While the changes are wide-ranging and significant, we’ve broken down each batch into easily digestible sections, the first of which is the Outpost and its coming update. For those of you looking for an abridged breakdown of what we’ve been working on you may simply scroll down to the patch notes.