New Build Is OUT - Patch: 1.166 Codename: Dissonant
23 May | 2:00 pm

Hey everyone,

This time, we come to you with a huge package of changes to the game. The first order of business:

The Prologue (Demo)

This scenario offers players a fixed timeframe within which they can play Vagrus without purchasing the game. Since its release in May of 2023, we’ve been eyeballing it for quite some time, and have finally overhauled it with many of the quality of life improvements the main game has seen. See our Steam post here for more information.

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#2024 #projectupdate #patch #release

Outpost UI Revamp: the Warehouse and the Statio
18 May | 10:00 am

This week we’re excited to talk about updates that will be coming to a new build of Vagrus in the not-too-distant future, a feature that will make things easier for all vagri and their comitati – the addition of a bespoke interface to the Outpost mechanic. This has two components: the first is the warehouse, which allows players to store goods and equipment at the Outpost. The second is the statio, which lets vagri accommodate crew, mounts, and beasts of burden. Before we delve into the details, however, let’s take a trip down memory lane for some additional context.

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#2023 #projectupdate #outpost

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.1300221S - Codename: Magnificatus est Controls
22 Feb | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

Today we are releasing a large patch with features that we’ve been talking about for some time, most of which are a reiteration from the post we released about a public Beta weeks ago. With that Beta now over, you can now scroll down to see all of the details regarding our implementation of full controller support, UI and text zooming, improved initial game loading times, and much, much more. Alongside these, we have also implemented a new pop-up window for players to see what’s new when they load up the game, and a DLC catalog, which lets you see what content you already own, as shown below.

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Public Beta Branch Live - Patch 1.1.30 with Controller and Small screen support
27 Jan | 11:00 am

So what’s new on that public beta branch? Basically, everything we have added for hand-held porting and controller support, as well as screen optimization and accessibility features. A more detailed rundown of these can be found in our previous devlog here.

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#2023 #public #beta #controller

Project Update - Bug Reporting Improvements
26 Jan | 10:00 am

Today’s post will take on more of a technical focus. We recognize that these kinds of updates are not for everyone – if, however, you are interested in our internal processes and how you might help us improve the game for all moving forward, we invite you to read on.

As we have discussed before, one of the key focuses at Lost Pilgrims Studio right now is bringing Vagrus to multiple new platforms and dealing with the challenges that arise therein. To address these forthcoming challenges, we have revamped our bug reporting tool in-game, as shown above.

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#2023 #projectupdate #bug #bugreport #improvements

Project Update: Scouting Rework Video
20 Oct | 10:00 am

As a follow-up to our recent scouting revamp, we’ve put together a short video showcasing the new and improved Manual Scouting and the recently introduced Auto-scouting. You can check them both out below – manual scouting covers the first thirty-five seconds of the video, while the rest is dedicated to auto-scouting.

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#2022 #projectupdate #video #scouting #rework

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.25 - Codename: Seekers
22 Sep | 7:00 pm

Hey everyone,

This time, we've got a new free DLC for you, along with revamped Scouting, a Glossary to clarify gameplay mechanisms and UI elements, as well as major backend improvements. It would be no understatement to say that this is a huge stepping stone for us and the Riven Realms.

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#2022 #build #patch #update #dlc

Project Update - Glossary
11 Aug | 10:00 am

Hello everyone,

Revamping campaign map movement and scouting into a sleeker system allowed us to move on to something else our players have expressed their need for. Many of you wanted more information and clarity on gameplay mechanics to be able to better understand its complexity – rightly so. That is why we are publishing a Beta version of the new Glossary. This feature doesn’t deal with content, but is aimed at clarifying game mechanisms and UI segments. It is accessible in the game by pressing ‘G’ or clicking on the eye icon in the top-right corner of the screen.

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#projectupdate #feature #glossary

Project Update - Upcoming Changes Part II.
07 Apr | 10:00 am

In Part I., we discussed upcoming changes that are not combat-related for the most part, so in this one we'll focus on updates to combat, as well as changes we've made to the Log.

Game Log Changes

We've felt for a while now that despite providing important information, the game log is not as informative as we would like it to be. And so we took our tools to it to give it a nice facelift and rework.

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#projectupdate #UI #revamp

Project Update - Upcoming Changes Part I.
25 Mar | 12:00 am

With March well underway, we are finally stepping out of the bug-fixing phase of the development of Vagrus. Of course, there are still a number of glitches and issues left (both smaller and more serious ones) but at least the improvements that we began designing and implementing in January are starting to bear fruit.

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#projectupdate #UI #revamp