Character Poses - Crifta
28 Jun | 10:00 am

Here's a quick look at some of the character poses from combat that Crifta, the mutated archer has. These are (from top left to bottom right): Dodge, Suppressing Shot (skill), Idle, and Downed (when a character is beaten but not yet killed). Szonja put a lot of work into making Crifta look unique and her poses dynamic, and it shows.

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#art #character #crifta #herocombat #poses

New Intern: Marci
18 Jun | 11:00 am

Great news! The newest addition to the team, Marci has arrived earlier this month, starting his two months internship at Lost Pilgrims. 

Marci studies software engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and being a life long gamer planning on working in the game development once he finishes his curriculum. 

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#code #intern #lostpilgrims #projectupdate #team

'Vagrus - The Riven Realms' title reveal!
11 May | 10:00 am

So the big news is that the game's title is finalized at last! For now. :D

Check out the title reveal short video!

The word vagrus is the same pseudo-Latin that most of the Imperial Tongue used in the game (as it hearkens back to the Roman Empire in material and immaterial culture). It meant 'wanderer' or 'vagabond' in Imperial, but nowadays it only refers to the men and women who lead a comitatus across the wasteland. It is short, easy to remember, and easy to be associated to the English word 'vagrant' (which also originates in Latin).

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#logo #lostpilgrims #projectupdate #vagrus #video

Project update 2 - Feb 2018
03 Feb | 11:11 pm

Well, we have been so busy that we skipped a beat in our originally planned monthly project updates. Which is actually good news if we are looking at it from a progress perspective. So what has happened since last year?

After returning recharged (and pot-bellied) from the holiday period we focused our attention on two things: 

  • Creating additional graphic design capacity by finding more super-talented and like-minded artists to create environment and character art assets for us.
  • Prototyping our hero combat to test its mechanics both in terms of graphics and game design.

The obvious intent behind choosing those focus areas was that we wanted to show more to our follower community on how the game is going to look like as well as display some of the game mechanics we're planning on using.

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#2018 #artists #herocombat #madewithunity #projectupdate