Character Artwork - Dragon Guard
07 May | 10:00 am

'As the morning drew on beneath the piercing gaze of the merciless sun, Levitius saw the soldiers of the 19th slowly gaining a foothold on the south bank in a fierce melee. Covered in blood and dust, the legionnaires looked more like a gored sand wyrm, writhing madly as it got stranded on solid rock. Then something passed before the sun. He heard one of his evocati shout 'Dragonguuuuuuuard!' before the mighty drakes with the elite warriors of the enemy on their backs started their first swoop and at last Levitius knew the number of his days.'

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#art #character #dragonguard #dragonlands

Character Poses - Garrik
23 Apr | 10:00 am

In this post dedicated to character poses and skills we are taking a look at the sleazy Dwarven smuggler and budding criminal mastermind Garrik.

Garrik is ranged support character with some very unique mechanics, so he will not be very efficient in the frontlines. In fact, he does not have any melee skills but is still fairly sturdy. All his attacks ignore Armor and even though not all of these are direct damage skills, Garrik can be extremely devastating when used correctly.

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#art #character #dwarf #garrik #poses

Character Poses - Renkailon
09 Apr | 10:00 am

We decided to revitalize an older series of posts that detailed companion skills and displayed some poses for these characters. This time we will take a look at the Dark Elf scout Renkailon in all his grim glory.

First and foremost, Ren was designed as a ranged-melee hybrid character with some really useful support capabilities. His damaging attacks are all Armor Piercing, which helps against armored foes quite a bit. Though Ren is not very sturdy, his high Evade stat allows him to avoid damage effectively.

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#2019 #art #character #poses #renkailon

Vagrus - The Riven Realms coming to Fig in April 2019
21 Mar | 10:00 am

We are proud to announce that Vagrus is coming to Fig in April 2019!

Our campaign is going to follow Fig's new Open Access model which shakes up the rather stale indie game crowdfunding scene by combining an open-ended campaign structure with offering supporters early involvement in development. Sounds like Early Access? Yes, it does have similarities but there are major differences:

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#2019 #crowdfunding #fig #projectupdate #socialmedia

Character Artwork - Vorax
12 Mar | 10:00 am

Foul-mouthed, easy-going, hearty, and chatty, the creature now known as 'Vorax' (meaning 'ravenous' in Imperial) is an undead abomination who can become one of your companions. He woke up one day in this bloated unliving form with no memory whatsoever of who he was or what he had done to deserve this fate. Yet his will is free, unbound to dark magicians (a rarity for undead), so he decided not to worry about it and get about his new 'life' with great enthusiasm.

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#art #character #undead #vorax

Companion Combat Guide - Part 4: Movement Effects
07 Feb | 10:00 am

In the last part of the Combat Guide we took a look at defenses and their importance. This time, we'll delve into effects that involve movement or its restriction in one way or another. 

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#alpha #combatguide #combatskills #companioncombat #gamedesign

Companion Combat Guide - Part 3: Defenses
31 Jan | 10:00 am

In the last part of the Combat Guide we took a look at Companion Actions, including moving, Skills, and their combinations. This time, we'll delve into defensive stats and their importance.

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#alpha #combatguide #companioncombat #defences #gamedesign

Companion Combat Guide - Part 2: Companion Actions
17 Jan | 10:00 am

In the previous part of our Companion Combat Guide (Part 1: The Basics) we left off at discussing the Leader's role in combat after outlining the basic rules of an engagement. In this part, we'll cover the actions that Companions can take during their turn.

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#alpha #character #combatguide #combatskills #companioncombat

Character Artwork - Sadirar Tribal Warrior
09 Oct | 10:00 am

The new enemy character (that can also be an ally sometimes) you can see above is the tribal warrior of the Sadirar. These brave people are trackers, hunters, desert guides, and of course, capable fighters. Their only weapon is a spear, so in combat against tough opponents, they prefer to have superior numbers or support from their elemental shamans; or both.

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#art #character #sadirar #searingplains #tribal

Character Design - Part 1
04 Oct | 10:00 am

There's been a lot of character reveals for Vagrus - The Riven Realms here on our website and on our social media since we began posting about a year ago. We figured it behooves us to talk a little more about who these characters are and what their role is in the game.

The vast majority of the characters you see revealed are enemy characters, even if sometimes they can be allies in the game for short periods of time (or versions of them, anyways). Although Events will involve these enemy characters often, you will mainly see them as shown in the artwork in turn-based combat. All of them have their unique combat skills and synergies with other enemies.

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#character #companioncombat #deputies #events #gamedesign