Combat Poses - Javek
04 Sep | 10:00 am

Javek is one of our main characters in the Prologue and he'll hopefully make his return in the main game, too. A budding sorcerer with telepathic powers, he can read thoughts, see glimpses of the future, and even cause pain and damage to someone's mind.

His combat phases/poses reflect these abilities. Here's a list of skills the above displayed images are connected to:

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#art #character #javek #poses

Codex Functionality and UI (Pre-Alpha)
30 Aug | 10:00 am

The Codex is a tool in Vagrus that lets players read up on the world, its inhabitants, locations, lore, characters, and whatever else that has an entry. The idea was to provide players who wish to know more a place to find it and to allow you to look up things you may have forgotten; but to make this absolutely voluntary. If you do not wish to read these entries, you can still absolutely play Vagrus, as this is basically additional fluff.

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#codex #ingamefootage #prealpha #userinterface #video

How the Riven Realms came to be
28 Aug | 10:00 am

It's spring 1990 and I'm in elementary school. My best friend brings a book to school that he reads aloud to a small group of us during our big walks at lunch break. The book has a weird old wizard on the cover conjuring smoke from a crystal ball. More interesting are the illustrations on the inside: intricate black and white drawings of strange fantasy creatures and dungeon locations. The little book is Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson's Warlock of Firetop Mountain, translated to our native language. Most of you probably know that it's a gamebook that you do not read from start to end but in branching numbered chapters that make the story personal and add replayability. Yet they are much more than simple choose-your-own-adventure books because they include a stat and combat system you have to manage throughout the adventure - albeit a really simple one.

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#inspiration #projectupdate #rivenrealms #team #vagrus

Camp UI (Pre-Alpha)
23 Aug | 10:00 am

One of the core mechanics of the game is that time passes in-game each turn (1 turn equals 1 day) and you, as the vagrus, have to plan ahead when it comes to distances, supply consumption, and upkeep. At the end of the day you make camp to rest and make decisions concerning the above. This is where the Camp UI comes in.

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#2018 #ingamefootage #prealpha #userinterface #video

Character Poses - The Orc Marauder
21 Aug | 10:00 am

Here are some character poses for the Orc Marauder enemy to feast your eyes upon!

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#art #bandits #character #orc #poses

Gaming sites featuring Vagrus
16 Aug | 10:00 am

Following our game pages on Steam and, we have joined and Gamejolt. These are also gaming portals that focus on indie games just like ours. You can check out the new pages here:

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#2018 #gameportals #lostpilgrims #projectupdate #vagrus

Character Poses - Bruiser
14 Aug | 10:00 am

The Bruiser returns with some combat phases/poses! These are:

  • Cheap Shot (top left): A melee hit that puts a severe debuff on the target. Also, ouch.
  • Dodge (top right): Triggers when the Bruiser avoids an attack.
  • Bull Rush (bottom left): The Bruiser rushes the target and pushes it back.
  • Smack (bottom right): A melee attack against a single target.

The Bruiser is a basic frontline character in the outlaw roster. Though not armored or particularly good at avoiding damage, he is fairly tanky and is able to dish out a lot of pain as well as debuffs and other effects. It can be extremely effective in cooperation with the Brigand and the Slinger.

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#art #bandits #bruiser #character #poses

Main Menu and New Game
09 Aug | 10:00 am

The time has come to show you the Main Menu of the game, which might not sound super-exciting at first, but with the title screen artwork in its background it's quite a beauty. I'd rather not waste words on the menu points, they speak for themselves.

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#2018 #prealpha #userinterface #vagrus #video

Character Artwork - Javek
07 Aug | 10:00 am

Another character who plays a very important role in the Prologue, Javek is a young sorcerer who uses telepathic abilities. He is of Tarkian origin and because the Imperial province of Tark is based on early Persian and Turkish cultures from real life, Szonja designed Javek's appearance to match those in clothing and equipment.

Calm and easy-going, Javek's ability to pick up surface thoughts and glean motives can be very useful. He is also skilled at handling animals and beasts of burden. That skill is enhanced by his telepathic ability which works even better on animals. Does that remind you of someone? Hmmm. It makes you wonder, doesn't it? :)

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#art #character #javek #prologue

Character Poses - Slinger
03 Aug | 10:00 am

It's time to share some combat images for the character 'Slinger' (more on him here: ).

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#art #bandits #character #poses #slinger