Location Artwork - The Dragon Steps
05 May | 6:52 am

After the Dragon Lords arrived and descended upon the broken continent in the wake of the Calamity, they settled down in the middle of the landmass and cast their ancient magic on an area large enough to comfortably sustain their nests and broods. The magical energies crushed the plains and physically elevated the region, molding it into spacious highlands and great mountain ranges, as well as carrying up earth and ore from deeper below, thereby banishing the fallout of the Calamity, making this land fertile once again. Thus, the Dragonlands were born.

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#Firokrayg #art #location #thecrimsongate #thedragonsteps

Creature Artwork - Jhakra
02 May | 11:57 am

The next artwork and creature description is of the Jhakra, a pestilence of the desert:

Jhakras are four-legged reptilians covered in hardened, yellow-brown, grown-together scales. Adult specimens are 1 meter tall and grow to 1.5-2 meters long. Their legs can propel them forward quite fast, but it is difficult for the creatures to maneuver. Males sport forward-protruding and side horns they use to mauling and tackling. Jhakra have well-hidden, tiny eyes to protect them when they melee or charge. Because of this they don’t see too well. However, their sense of smell is extraordinary, making them able to follow prey for miles.

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#art #creature #jhakra #jhakraalpha

Project Update - April 2018
21 Apr | 6:44 pm

Some time ago we promised to invite you all to a virtual tour of our office, so without further ado, here goes:

First stop - Budapest, 13th district

Our office is located in an edifice built in the socialist era but kept in fairly good condition compared to how others fared. Back in the day when programming meant punched cards, the whole building housed a prominent company developing 'software' on those.

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#lostpilgrims #office #projectupdate #team #tools

Location Artwork - Avernum
12 Apr | 5:37 pm

Avernum is the most important city in the Northern Searing Plains. The reborn Empire moved back to the scorched and abandoned region soon after the Calamity and found it ideal to settle because of the new resources that can be found in the vicinity: salt, rare minerals, and even obsidian. Thus, Avernum was built at the center of the Smolderbone Flats. The city mostly lacks the religious apparatus of large provincial settlements, but has a fairly large military presence there under the direct control of the Prefectus, its governor. Rumor is that due to its backwater status, the city of Avernum follows Imperial regulations more loosely, and it has become essentially the private kingdom of the reigning Prefectus.

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#art #avernum #location #smolderboneflats #xerynempire

Pre-Alpha Combat V2 - teasers
07 Apr | 9:40 pm

As we promised few weeks back, we have put a significant effort into improving our hero combat and we are now happy to present you, dear patrons, an update on how far we've got.

Most importantly, we created a new UI and removed the placeholder at the bottom of the screen.

We have also added new characters and skills that they can use. Like in the second example, Sedarias strikes two Charred corpses at once with his Cleave skill.

#gif #herocombat #ingamefootage #prealpha #userinterface

Character Artwok - Crifta
04 Apr | 10:58 am

Our next character reveal - and related artwork - is that of the unfortunate mutant Crifta (literally meaning 'feathers' in Imperial). The player meets the cunning archer in the Prologue, where she debuts as a tough enemy. She can be recruited later in the game, however.

Crifta was born named Navassia Degado in the kingdom of Viran. She became an archer in the army of the northern continent after her brother got killed in earlier battles and she felt compelled to avenge him. Captured during the battles for Santo Lucadas in Viran, she became a slave in the Empire. She was forced to be a prostitute for some time in military camps, but in a year or so she contracted the Taint, and after her transformation she was not so attractive any longer. They moved her to a stone quarry near Deven where she was both a worker and a prostitute. There, she joined some slaves who organized an escape into the wastelands; they became fugitives, escaped slaves, but at least they were free.

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#abolitionists #art #character #crifta #tainted

Creature Artwork - Cinderborn
14 Mar | 11:56 pm

Here's a small taste of what kind of enemies the player is going to face in Vagrus. Enjoy!

Many forms of undead have existed all around the continent of Xeryn ever since the Calamity. One of the side effects of the magical cataclysm is that in some places, the dead don’t rest in peace, but walk among the living. Much of this threat is dealt with by Imperials, but some remote areas are still constantly plagued by the undead. One such area is the Molten Tongue and Dvendar Tharr, the former kingdom of the Dwarves, where shuffling, burnt corpses rise to kill indiscriminately.

These charred corpses are in various degrees of degradation, but all show signs of burning (as well as other traumas). There is still some flesh that cling to their bones on most of them, albeit burned and charred. They are completely mindless, attacking living beings on sight. It is remarkable that no Dwarven corpses are reanimated in this way, suggesting that the curse could have some kind of connection to scavengers or the disturbing of the dead kingdom by outsiders. Cinderborns attack by mauling, clawing, and biting, and often fall apart quite easily.

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#art #calamity #charredcorpse #creature #themoltentongue

New Team Member: Szonja
07 Mar | 11:54 pm

We are extremely proud and happy to announce that our core team grew with a brilliant graphic designer, Szonja. We have been looking for a character artist for quite some time to ramp up our progress on that front and Szonja proved herself to be the best fit by miles with her unique style and open-mindedness.

Her main task is to bring our hero and enemy characters to life and help us with shaping the user interface as we enter Pre-Alpha stage with more parts of the game added each day.

We have a marvelous journey ahead and could not imagine any better traveling companion than Szonja. Welcome aboard!

#art #character #lostpilgrims #projectupdate #team

Location Artwork - Arenas Negras
27 Feb | 11:32 pm

Called the Desert of Black Sands, or the Black Desert (Arenas Negrasin the Imperial language), this vast, empty desert that has fine, black sand instead of any other color is probably one of the most ill-reputed places of the post-Calamity era. Nothing lives here, not even insects. The silence is deafening. People who enter the desert and stay for a while usually inexplicably disappear. In the center of the area is a terrible place, supposedly the source of all evil in the region: The City of the Dead, Arx Mortis.

Formerly the capital of the Sanvorati province and previously known as the Shining City, Calderum was made into its own horrible caricature by the Calamity. These days, Arx Mortis is a dead place filled with eerie moaning and groans, cast in perpetual twilight, beset by bone-chilling cold and a pale, frigid light emanating from the faded rocks that are almost all that remain from the once beautiful buildings and walls. Now these stand vacant and hollow, often reminding visitors of broken teeth peeking out of black gums.

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#arenasnegras #art #arxmortis #calamity #location

Location Artwork - The Molten Tongue
15 Feb | 11:23 pm

Hey guys, we've got another location artwork here for you, and a little backstory to match it:

Before the Calamity, Dvendar Tharr was the homeland of all Dwarves on the continent, a kingdom unmatched in technological advancements, inventions, and inventive ambition. One of the most ancient of Dwarven royal lines, the kings of Dvendar Tharr were sympathetic to humans and aided them from as early as the Second Age. The Inventor Kings showed early Imperials the art of metalworking and stonemasonry, helped build their cities, and taught them the art of mining. Dvendar Tharr itself was abundant with metal and precious stones, so much so that in their arrogance, the Inventor Kings of the Third Age forgot the wise ways of their forefathers and started rebuilding their massive stone fortresses and arching bridges purely from iron. 

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#2018 #art #calamity #location #themoltentongue