DLC Location Artwork – Flamescar Cavern
06 Feb | 10:00 am

We’re delighted to share one of Varnurud’s more inhospitable locales with you this week: Flamescar Cavern. “Delighted to show us something inhospitable?” you might ask. Well yes, because the Cavern itself represents a site of both danger and opportunity. A mere glance at its confines makes clear why so few dare to brave its interwoven passages and caves.

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#2025 #location #art #dlc

Creature Artwork – Salamander
23 Jan | 10:00 am

This week we’re bringing you a glimpse of what some might consider slithering death. It is the Salamander, one of At the Heart of Ruin’s many new enemies. Just coming into contact with one would terrify even the most stalwart souls, as the look of malice in their eyes is inescapable, and their speed, cunning, and fiery abilities make them formidable opponents in battle.

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#2025 #creature #art #dlc

Dev Update - The Raptors
12 Dec | 10:00 am

This week we’re gracing your web browsers and social media feeds with another teaser of our upcoming DLC. These characters belong to another gang that will attack you outright, for the Raptors are hardly a sane bunch. Most follow a descendent of their mysterious leader, who stumbled upon a rogue Wyvern and believed it to be the remains of a divine creature of the skies. In their quest for meaning and purpose, the followers of this founder – considered by many to be blessed – sought to imitate these creatures and themselves become ascendant and escape their earthbound existence.

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#2024 #dlc #teaser #gangs

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.175 Codename: Conrectus Ligaturae
27 Aug | 4:00 pm

New or Updated Features

  • You can now double-click to move on the campaign map.
  • Revamped key bindings: defaults have been changed to be more intuitive and grouped by topics or UI categories, and new hotkeys have been added.
  • The Leadership Perk “Command” has been reworked: it now unlocks all advanced Crew Combat actions passively and when Resourcefulness is spent, it raises Combat Strength and Defense by 15% as well as turns Critical Failure rolls to Failure.
  • The effects of multiple “Terrifying” Perks no longer stack. Stacking caused Skills that target multiple positions with characters with the Perk to be close to useless.
  • You can now butcher Beasts and Mounts directly at your Outpost instead of having to move them to the comitatus.
  • You no longer lose Mounts when Fighters leave you during Events (ie. Outriders do not take their Mounts) for narrative reasons.


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#2024 #dlc #projectupdate #patch #release

Quality of Life: Key Bindings and Comitatus UI
22 Aug | 10:00 am

After last week’s feedback round-up, the bulk of the team has been focusing on delivering the quality of life (QoL) changes we spoke of roughly two weeks ago, which by now include a great deal of things. Among the most important of these is the ability to move on the campaign map by double-clicking and the extra information players will be able to view on their Companions’ character panes about Skills and summoned creatures.

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#2024 #update #keybindings

Coming QoL Changes and Improvements
01 Aug | 10:32 am

As we’ve alluded to in recent posts, the recent release of Old Acquaintances has set the creative part of the team into action on our next DLC, but what have our programmers, UI, and quality assurance people been up to?

Why, improving the game, of course. This is why we’re happy to present some impactful quality of life (QoL) changes that will help make your Vagrus experience all the smoother.

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#2024 #qol #updates

Location Artwork - The Forest of Shadows
14 Sep | 10:00 am

The Forest of Shadows is a vast expanse of tangled trees that extends across the western side of the Penumbral Plains, covering the feet of the abandoned mountain range that rises high and stands mighty over the benighted lands. Many theorize that this woodland and the Dead Forest were once united; a tale the proof of which is lost to the annals of time. Old stories circulate about the Forest of Shadows enduring the wrath of the Calamity and its fallout, only to succumb to the enigmatic arachnids that now plague its shadowy expanse. The creatures killed everything there and built their nest in the forest, covering it with their webs so thickly that not even light itself could penetrate them.

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#2023 #art #location

Expansion Devlog 1 - The Geography of the Bronze Desert
25 May | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

With the announcement of Vagrus’s first expansion behind us, we thought that it’d be a good idea to create a short series of devlogs about certain frequently appearing topics regarding Sunfire and Moonshadow. The first of these – the one you’re reading – is about the region itself and its boundaries, with some lore tidbits sprinkled in. So, let’s get to it!

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#2023 #expansion #devlog

Location Artwork - Change Storm
08 Dec | 10:00 am

Not quite a location per se, more of an occurrence everybody tries to avoid, a change storm is a special kind of arcane storm. Striking out of nowhere, often without any prior warning signs, it rains malicious energies upon anyone unfortunate enough to be caught up in it. Change storms are known to twist forms and change substance. They are known to alter living creatures and inanimate objects alike. Such a storm refracts, warps, reshapes, mutates, and changes everything and everyone it touches in the most disconcerting, morbid, and repulsive ways fathomable. The effects of a change storms are a perverse violation of all anatomical structures – and the changes may very well be permanent. Therefore, change storms must be avoided at all costs, or, one caught up in it has to muster all sorcerous defenses at their disposal to get out unaffected.

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#art #location #2022

Project Update - Upcoming Changes Part II.
07 Apr | 10:00 am

In Part I., we discussed upcoming changes that are not combat-related for the most part, so in this one we'll focus on updates to combat, as well as changes we've made to the Log.

Game Log Changes

We've felt for a while now that despite providing important information, the game log is not as informative as we would like it to be. And so we took our tools to it to give it a nice facelift and rework.

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#projectupdate #UI #revamp