New Build Is OUT - Patch: 1.166 Codename: Dissonant
23 May | 2:00 pm

Hey everyone,

This time, we come to you with a huge package of changes to the game. The first order of business:

The Prologue (Demo)

This scenario offers players a fixed timeframe within which they can play Vagrus without purchasing the game. Since its release in May of 2023, we’ve been eyeballing it for quite some time, and have finally overhauled it with many of the quality of life improvements the main game has seen. See our Steam post here for more information.

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#2024 #projectupdate #patch #release

The Latest Quality of Life and Design Improvements
16 May | 10:00 am

As we close in on the release of our Old Acquaintances DLC, the portions of the team that are not busy drawing or writing have been hard at work on a plethora of miscellaneous QoL improvements, the fruits of which have now been made public.

Mercenary Tasks

We’ve always endeavored to make some sweeping changes to how Mercenary Tasks work, and happily, we’ve now had the time to implement them. These tasks have always had time limits, yet now, they function far more logically. This is to say that after you complete an elimination or defending task, you may return to the faction that gave it to you at any time after you do so, while in the past the time limit was still active, even after you had completed but haven’t turned it in.

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#2024 #projectupdate #ui #QoL

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.165 - Codename: Shore Up
08 May | 5:00 pm

Hey everyone,

We haven’t released a new build since way back in February, so we have got a slew of changes to discuss. While the changes are wide-ranging and significant, we’ve broken down each batch into easily digestible sections, the first of which is the Outpost and its coming update. For those of you looking for an abridged breakdown of what we’ve been working on you may simply scroll down to the patch notes.

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#2024 #projectupdate #patch

A Teaser Most Intoxicating
02 May | 10:00 am

Today we are sharing some of our newest art related to the upcoming DLC: Old Acquaintances. We’ll not tarry here with wasteful words, dear reader, take a look for yourself.

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#2024 #projectupdate #dlc #location

Project Update – Outpost Changes
25 Apr | 10:00 am

The Outpost feature has been on our minds for a long time but with all the other pressing matters – namely, our new DLC and the related coding –, it kept getting pushed down our priority list. In the end, however, we were able to dedicate a week to making improvements, focusing on adding clarity and showing more information to players. Please note that these changes are actively being worked on and will first come to the Steam Public Beta branch. Later, after being thoroughly playtested, they will go live on the default branches on all platforms.

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#2024 #projectupdate #ui

A Wee Teaser
18 Apr | 10:00 am

Today we’re releasing a teaser for our upcoming Companion DLC, Vagrus – Old Acquaintances. We’re excited to reveal more about the two Companions that will be recruitable for owners of Old Acquaintances, and we shall reveal more when the time is right. So, courtesy of our best and brightest, we present to you the first trailer of the DLC and leave the speculation to you.

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#2024 #teaser #dlc

A Tale of Two Companions
11 Apr | 10:00 am

This week we’re getting down to brass tacks: our first upcoming DLC this year and the Companions therein. Development is coming along smoothly, and we thought we’d share the highlights by delving into some details – without giving much away this early.

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#2024 #projectupdate #content

Turn-based Thursday Fest is back!
04 Apr | 7:00 pm

You heard it right: it’s back and it’s no surprise we’re involved. Lost Pilgrims Studios is delighted to work alongside some of the best indie developers in the industry to bring the Fest back. This time we’re in partnership with a slew of talented devs, including Terra Randoma, Trese Brothers (Star Traders: Frontiers & Cyber Knights: Flashpoint), Unleash the Giraffe (Seer’s Gambit & Obsidian Prince), and Curious Dynamics (Folk Emerging), who have been heartily involved with organization this time round.

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#2024 #sale #project #update

Location Artwork – Avernum's Market
28 Mar | 10:00 am

On the tip of the Molten Tongue lies the Imperial city of Avernum behind its ash- and soot-covered walls of bone and dark stone. The many forges and furnaces here toil relentlessly, belching foul smoke day and night under the watchful gaze of the Prefectus, who commands his black-hearted Avernus Legion from the imposing Slagfort. Many comitati, merchants, and grifters flock to Avernum in the hopes of finding trade, rest or work; often, only cruelty and dark deals await them in this corrupt city under burning skies.

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#2024 #location #art

Project Update – Zoli
21 Mar | 10:00 am

This week we’re continuing in the same vein, bringing you another project update that this time relates to our latest hire, polymath and computer science major Zoli, who joined us in September 2023 in the role of Quality Assurance Tester. Zoli is a systematic thinker, problem-solver, and gamer with a well of knowledge regarding all manner of things game dev (such as code or design). When asked, he was adamant about describing himself as “a novice wizard surrounded by talented sorcerers”, and as someone who’s worked alongside him, I can testify that he is all this and more. Under the “more” category we pencil in things like “90’s gamer”, “child chess prodigy”, “math enthusiast” (yes, apparently that’s a thing), and perhaps in stark contrast, a man who loves the outdoors: he’s run more than 500km this year already, which includes a marathon in Athens! Below is a snap of the man himself in his element.

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#2024 #projectupdate #team