This week’s article introduces not just another scalding locale where perilous heat is a given, but it is also held by one of Varnurud’s most determined scavenger gangs, the Hollow Men. Dubbed “the Bastion” by its current occupants, the ruin itself is ancient and of Dwarven origin. Following the Calamity and subsequent catastrophes on the mountain, half of its stone buildings were consumed by lava, yet at least for the time being, the rest of the scorched stone structures remain accessible. There is no telling today what the purpose of the ancient Dwarven settlement was but it had sturdy buildings and tall towers that commanded a large swathe of the area.
The Hollow Men have surrounded the inhabitable section, but the westmost tower offers entrance for the few foolish enough to come here, while around the lava’s thickest edges, creatures who thrive in magma threaten all who approach. Peril aside, the sheer existence of such a settlement amid so much searing death is a testament not just to the types of danger that await many vagri in At the Heart of Ruin, but to the conditions all who inhabit Varnurud must endure. The question, then, is: will you be able to overcome it?
Naturally, the question shall remain unanswered until you have a chance to explore, dear vagrus. Stay tuned for more updates about the DLC, and most importantly, stay vigilant, stay safe, and conquer the wasteland!
– The Lost Pilgrims Team
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