Both the regular legionnaire and the legionnaire captain are enemies you can encounter in the game - usually when you go up against the law or the Empire in some way. Alone these soldiers are tough but manageable opponents; their true strength comes from standing next to each other as they grant Armor to any neighboring allies in the same line. This is complemented by their set of combat skills:
Gladius Stab: A single-target melee attack that has the Armor Piercing property. Though it does not deal a lot of damage, it is reliable and accurate.
Scutum Shove: The legionnaire uses his large shield (scutum) to shove a melee opponent, pushing them back and dealing low damage. This attack is very difficult to block.
Formations!: Only the legionnaire captain has this combat skill. It can be used to buff a single friendly unit with bonus Accuracy, Block, and Resistance against all effects.
Though lacking real burst damage potential, these soldiers are great at becoming a great barrier that is almost impossible to break up. Using shoves, they set their enemies for accurate attacks and wear them down slowly but steadily. You must be aware of this and try to separate them to rob them of their buffs. Otherwise, you'll have a hard time dealing with them.
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Laurels All Around
In our endeavour to get Vagrus into the sights of as many cRPG lovers as we can, we applied for featured spots in a number of nearby game shows - successfully! Not only did we get invited to present Vagrus the game itself but our art design and developer pitch has been rewarded as well making it into the official selection of said shows (see above). That reminds us to bring to your attention the upcoming opportunities to meet us in person:
As I am writing these lines, we are actively working on what we call Enduring Effects for the game. What are these? Well, in short and to put it simply, these are all buffs and debuffs that last for several in-game days or are permanent (until removed somehow). They come in a variety of types and can be used for a lot of things to enhance gameplay and narrative alike.
#enduringeffects #gamedesign #openworld #projectupdate #unity
'A simple matter, eh? A wee bit o' thrashin', you said, a right an' proper shindin'. Just seventeen guys, you said. What you forgot to mention is those seventeen are bloody Orcs, every single one of 'em! From the Chipped Fang tribe, no less. So here's your coin, find someone else to get killed. The Dread Reavers ain't takin' this one.'
The wind was speaking to her, telling her terrible things, singing of her demise, chanting of her worst fears becoming manifest, of her never reaching her destination, never achieving her dreams, never being content, never finding rest or refuge or love. It kept on whining and screaming and whimpering until she herself started screaming in a vain attempt to blot it all out.
Our crowdfunding campaign is LIVE at Get instant access to the Alpha build now!
Wanna get the game as early as possible with even more content? Please share our pages and posts with your friends through your favorite social media channel(s). Appreciate it! | Steam | Website | Youtube | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Patreon | Discord
We are super excited to share some of our progress as we are getting closer and closer to releasing the build that has the new trade pricing system feature.
This short video demonstrates how the comitatus carries goods from one market to the other trying to make some profit. The quantity and price of goods are calculated based on their source location and the time spent on the road to get to a certain place. Will your comitatus be able to transport them quicker than the market flow to realize a profit?
Our crowdfunding campaign is LIVE at Get instant access to the Alpha build now!
Wanna get the game as early as possible with even more content? Please share our pages and posts with your friends through your favorite social media channel(s). Appreciate it! | Steam | Website | Youtube | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Patreon | Discord
Ever since we came up with the idea of Vagrus, a game where you manage a comitatus, we knew we needed to develop an elaborate, dynamic trade system that would serve as one of the major features of the game and would also aid in fleshing out a living world.
While trading was always to be one of the main sources of income for the player, we also wanted to avoid creating a pure trading simulator game. It's not that those are not fun for the right people - stories about Gabor dominating the Auction House on our server in World of Warcraft for a period of time still surface in conversations among friends - but because our strengths lie elsewhere. Our unique setting, The Riven Realms, and telling stories with memorable characters was the first and foremost motivation to create Vagrus, so it was also much more likely to excel in that rather than in a simulation - which we knew relatively little of.
You will most likely come across the artwork you can see here when wandering into sewers below Imperial cities in Vagrus' main campaign. This might not seem a very good idea since such places are typically neglected and extremely filthy. They are also most likely infested by mutated beasts or stray undead. Yet a vagrus needs to plunge into such vile places more often than not.