The Lost Pilgrims Team
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This week's video demonstrates how Obedience - the stat describing your slaves' willingness to cooperate - can be modified by your own actions on the Crew Management UI pane.
In the video, a slave is liberated first, which immediately raises Obedience (by the indicated number in the action popup). This is quite expensive, as slaves cost a lot of money.
Another enemy animation has come off the conveyor belt! The Brigand is now ready to fight your companions in all his animated glory, brandishing his spear and sporting that baller turtle-shell helmet.
The Lost Pilgrims Team
Our crowdfunding campaign is LIVE at Get instant access to the Alpha build now!
The Lost Pilgrims Team
Our crowdfunding campaign is LIVE at Get instant access to the Alpha build now!
Wanna get the game as early as possible with even more content? Please share our pages and posts with your friends through your favorite social media channel(s). Appreciate it! | Steam | Website | Youtube | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Patreon | Discord
This time, we'll revisit the dreaded Scortaur and take a look at their stats and skills in general. These creatures are devious, fierce, and horribly mutated, so you'll have to be prepared to be challenged by their combat abilities when you run into them.
The most apparent stats when it comes to these horrid savages are the high Vitality and Block chance, which often adds a bonus to their already considerable Armor. Additionally, they are quite resistant to many status effects and have great Initiative. Their four Combat Skills make them versatile opponents:
We went to London to exhibit Vagrus at AdventureX 2019 on the first weekend of November and it's time to talk a bit about all the amazing things that happened there.
The two-day event was full of awesome speakers who gave talks about the aspects of narrative in video games, be it writing, design, methods of storytelling, or other intriguing subjects. Wish we had more time to attend these but the two of us very so busy talking to participants and showing off Vagrus that we could only watch a handful of speakers, taking turns. We did have a great time chatting with people though - the event was very cozy, intimate even: a lot of like- and open-minded people coming together for a common interest's sake.
I'd sooner go walking in Maar Gorad.
- A common saying in terra supra, meaning 'not a chance'
Not all regions of the northern part of the continent are deserts or arid wasteland, even though those are the most recognizable features as well as the most numerous. One region stands out with its wet, humid atmosphere and its moors that are almost impossible to navigate: Maar Gorad, the Unforgiving Swamp.
The Lost Pilgrims Team
Our crowdfunding campaign is LIVE at Get instant access to the Alpha build now!
Wanna get the game as early as possible with even more content? Please share our pages and posts with your friends through your favorite social media channel(s). Appreciate it! | Steam | Website | Youtube | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Patreon | Discord
The most common type of Yrg are Workers, so much so, in fact, that most people on the continent equate the Yrg race with these nearly mindless drones. Though there are many more sub-species of these insectoids, the Workers indeed make up the vast majority of hives. With utter disregard for their own safety they build, haul, guard, and explore in the name of the hive. Sometimes workers are abducted by specialized hunters and are made to serve as mounts, beasts of burden, or even arena fodder by the use of crystal magic.
One of the great benefits of our successful crowdfunding campaign is being able to expand on parts of the game we felt we were unsatisfied with. One such area was Sound Effects, which was largely (but not exclusively) populated by placeholders up till recently.