New Build Is Live - Patch v1.1300221S - Codename: Magnificatus est Controls
22 Feb | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

Today we are releasing a large patch with features that we’ve been talking about for some time, most of which are a reiteration from the post we released about a public Beta weeks ago. With that Beta now over, you can now scroll down to see all of the details regarding our implementation of full controller support, UI and text zooming, improved initial game loading times, and much, much more. Alongside these, we have also implemented a new pop-up window for players to see what’s new when they load up the game, and a DLC catalog, which lets you see what content you already own, as shown below.

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February Tech Update Post
16 Feb | 10:00 am

Hello everyone,

In our previous post, we announced the opening of our public Beta branch. Since then, we’ve also been hard at work to implement all the improvements – and more – in our default branch, so here’s an overview of the things we are planning to include!

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#2023 #projectupdate #tech

Teaser – Cloaked in Darkness
09 Feb | 10:00 am

Hello everyone!

This large swathe of land is a vast, empty desert of rocks and fine, dark sand. Comitati transport the harvested materials from camps on the eastern side up north, so there is some traffic despite the perpetual darkness that benights these lands. Otherwise, however, it is a barren wasteland, shunned by most thanks to unnaturally shifting shadows and unnamed horrors plaguing the inky blackness. Where could this place be? You shall find out in due time.

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#art #location #2023 #teaser

Public Beta Branch Live - Patch 1.1.30 with Controller and Small screen support
27 Jan | 11:00 am

So what’s new on that public beta branch? Basically, everything we have added for hand-held porting and controller support, as well as screen optimization and accessibility features. A more detailed rundown of these can be found in our previous devlog here.

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#2023 #public #beta #controller

Project Update - Bug Reporting Improvements
26 Jan | 10:00 am

Today’s post will take on more of a technical focus. We recognize that these kinds of updates are not for everyone – if, however, you are interested in our internal processes and how you might help us improve the game for all moving forward, we invite you to read on.

As we have discussed before, one of the key focuses at Lost Pilgrims Studio right now is bringing Vagrus to multiple new platforms and dealing with the challenges that arise therein. To address these forthcoming challenges, we have revamped our bug reporting tool in-game, as shown above.

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#2023 #projectupdate #bug #bugreport #improvements

Announcement – Vagrus on Green Man Gaming
18 Jan | 5:00 pm

Hello everyone,

As we have stated before, we are dedicated to bringing Vagrus – The Riven Realms to more game store platforms. Back in November, we posted an update about our game being published on the Humble Bundle storefront.

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#2023 #gmg #release #announcement

Teaser – Skittering in the Dark
12 Jan | 10:00 am

Happy New Year everyone! We hope that you all had as wonderful a holiday season as we did. Today’s post is little more than a shameless teaser; something is brewing in our kitchens at Lost Pilgrims, and it’s not just coffee. This week we simply wish to present you with an image, of a land whose denizens and inhabitants have been exterminated, but not by the Calamity… What could have happened? You will be able to find out, in time.

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#art #location #2023 #teaser

The Most Dangerous Ruins of Terra Supra – Part 2
05 Jan | 11:00 am

Following on from our earlier post in October, we now present the second installment of our ongoing series, ‘The Most Dangerous Ruins of Terra Supra’. This week we’re taking a look at three more of Xeryn’s most feared and dreaded ruins, several of which once stood as proud loci of a formerly glorious civilization, before the Calamity’s fallout wrought unforeseen destruction and corruption upon the Riven Realms. Without further ado, let’s delve right in!

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#art #location #2023 #lore

Turn-based Fest Follow-up
29 Dec | 10:00 am

We recently announced Turn-based Fest, an event that originated from the initiative and hashtag #TurnBasedThursday – a collaborative project we launched roughly one and a half years ago. The Fest itself was essentially a curated Steam sale that put a focus on turn-based games. With the first Turn-based Fest now behind us, we are happy to report that the Fest was both a blast and a resounding success among many participants! Imagining that the details may be of interest to many people, regardless of having partaken in the festival or not, we have put together some noteworthy insights about the event and its aftermath.

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#TurnBasedThursday #2022 #projectupdate #hiddengems

Happy Holidays
22 Dec | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

As the year draws near its inevitable end, we at Lost Pilgrims wanted to wish you all Happy Holidays! Enjoy your well-deserved rest, spend time with your loved ones, or just chill, play your unplayed games, read, eat, or do whatever makes you happy. We will also be taking a little time off to recharge our batteries. As for the greeting card above, we did hold a photoshoot in the office for it but we worked so much on Vagrus that our image turned into in-game characters in the end.

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#2022 #team #holidays