Ashmen, or Ashlanders, are the tribesmen of the Forsaken Waste, an endless desert of grey sand and little else. Yet these nomads make a harsh living off the Qurus, gigantic snail-like creatures, as well as other critters that roam the monotonous wasteland.
When coming face to face with an Ashlander in the game, you can expect a tough huntsman, though by themselves these enemies provide little challenge. In greater numbers they can make use of their supplementary ability, bleed inducing attacks, and ranged capabilities. Their combat skills are:
Sand Wyrms are a race of huge, worm-like creatures that burrow in sand. Thought to have been extinct, they resurfaced a few decades ago, albeit exclusively in remote desert regions and in small numbers only, so the Empire and its allies do not need to fear another destructive war against their kind. Or do they?
In combat, Sand Wyrms try to overwhelm their opponents with their numbers, but they are not pushovers alone, either: high Vitality and Evade stats make them difficult to kill, as is their armored carapace. Their Skills are ideal to cause serious damage and weaken opponents:
'We do not worship the Dragons like you do your false Imperial Gods. We do not sacrifice to them or beg for their fickle blessings. Our Dragonlords are our paragons; a testament to what every being can aspire to and the source of the Flame that lives in all of us. That same Flame can burn your ass to crisp if you dare slander their name again.'
Grufta are disgusting creatures that dwell in the darkest, filthiest, and most humid places, usually deep underground. Their nests are often found in city sewers and adult specimen hunt people with deadly efficiency. Their stench alone makes fighting these large worms extremely difficult - it renders the air around them poisonous. Grufta attack in numbers, are quite sturdy, and can avoid attacks with their fast movement. Their skill set includes a powerful attack and an ability to stun opponents:
Keeping your comitatus well-supplied - or in some cases even keeping it from starving - has always been intended to be challenging in Vagrus, and it makes sense: you are the leader of a daring traveling company in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world where resources are often scarce and terrible encounters can turn a simple trip into a living nightmare.
Grufta are disgusting, worm-like creatures that dwell and prosper in filth - and in great cities like Tor'Zag's Shelter, filth is in abundance. Grown specimen are large enough to hunt people, and even though they live in sewers and caves far from the homes of folk, they often slither out to catch the unwary.
When Tamás started working on the Grufta, we discussed how the creature should ooze revulsion (pun not intended). The colors and the moving little tendrils all invoke the images of parasites in our minds and the Grufta are just that: huge, man-eating parasites. Soon you will see how your Companions can stomach these poisonous worms.
Ghouls are mysterious creatures whose origins you may be able to find out by playing Vagrus. They hunt at night, preying on beast and human alike, traveling great distances in packs. Their sickly, frail humanoid form hides terrifying strength and astonishing speed, which the Ghouls utilize to corner and eviscerate their victims. It is a common misconception to consider these creatures Undead because of their looks and name, they are far from it, falling into the category of mutants rather.
Scorpions of all sizes, colors, and features plague the arid wastelands of the central continent of Xeryn, and most travelers are quite used to their presence and to the threat they may present. However, nobody is used to the presence of a Stinger Scorpion, this hulking yet frighteningly fast monster that hunts beasts and men during the cool night hours. Unfortunate souls may learn that while these solitary scorpions are inert during the day when they are buried under the sands, they are far from being safe around, as they can awaken with a sudden and fatal rage. There is a cunning viciousness about them that makes them far more than simply a large animal.
Without a doubt, Splinters are (currently) among the most difficult enemies of Vagrus. Immense in size and weight, built of solid, living crystal, these creatures are among the toughest customers you can run into. A very high Armor and Vitality stat makes Splinters very difficult to destroy, and a decent Block value results in an occasional rise in Armor to top things off. Due to their unconventional crystal structure, they are also extremely difficult to affect with magic, except electricity and pure magical energy.
One of the last big additions to Vagrus' Open World Campaign that is now coming very close to being released is the character creation sequence at the start of the game. That is the feature that allows you to customize and set up your own vagrus by selecting a variety of options in subsequent steps. To give a quick idea of the many amazing options, here's a little rundown: