Character Artwork - Dark Elves
27 Oct | 10:00 am

'How hasty you are to point out that my people owe allegiance to your Senator. But your petty strife and pitiful intrigues bore us, Imperial, and our allegiance is merely ink on paper, not invoked by blood. We never shared battle, nor feasts, nor kinship. The Senator thought to purchase us with that crude contract but we are Moreldin, descendants of Caladnir Aen Daglunath and the great heroes of the Second Age, the victors of the Forgeheart Massacre, the defenders of the Kavraenar Ziggurath, and scions of Dread Skar'Voran. My kin owes nothing to yours save for the silver already paid as per your sorry little contract. Tell this to your Senator.'

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#art #enemy #darkelves

Character Animation - Jhakra
20 Oct | 10:00 am

Animation sneak peek time! Jhakrae are not known for their great senses or their intelligence. Half-blind and full of attitude, this specimen is sniffing out the next prey it could maul and rip apart.


Our crowdfunding campaign is LIVE at Get instant access to the Early Access now!

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#art #animation

Project Update - Companion Progression
15 Oct | 10:00 am

One of the most requested additions by our Early Access players has been Companion progression for a while now, and it's no surprise. Being a party-based RPG at its heart, Vagrus has a roster of unique Companions that are your most trusty lieutenants with their own backstories, skills, and personalities. It is only natural that they can become stronger with time and effort - and we have naturally designed this progression system in the beginning, but we held off on adding it because there were a lot of specifics to work out and the EA experience functioned fairly well without it.

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A New Build is OUT - Patch 0.5.16. - Codename: Salty!
14 Oct | 3:00 pm

Hey everyone,

and first of all let us thank all of you who shared their views regarding our planned priorities. We took that to heart and worked tirelessly to implement Companion Progression, which includes raising the Prowess cap from two to five, introducing Companion-specific traits that increase stats, and much more.

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#projectupdate #patch

Character Poses - Specter
13 Oct | 10:00 am

Specters are malevolent ghosts of the dead that often haunt the forsaken, magically-warped places of the Riven Realms. They are dreaded by most denizens of Xeryn because their ethereal forms are impervious to most damage types and though magic is more abundant than in other settings, it is still beyond the reach of most.

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#art #poses

Character Artwork - Shade
29 Sep | 10:00 am

'We may have lost the Krawags but by then the sun was high up in the desert sky and scorched the survivors relentlessly. My comrades fell one by one and we were so weak and thirsty that we just left them behind to die on the scalding sands. Only a handful of us reached those accursed ruins. One of the men recalled having seen the stone walls and broken arches on our march towards Dragmolac. We dragged ourselves atop another dune and there they were below us, like a jumble of rotten teeth sticking out of sick gums. But we still rejoiced upon seeing them because they had cover and shade; and that shade proved to be our undoing.

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#art #enemy #shade

Character Poses - Orc Juggernaut
22 Sep | 10:00 am

Many Orcs wander the reaches of the Riven Realms and you can come across them in all kinds of encounters, some of them being violent - as expected. There are several Orc enemy variants and the Juggernaut - as the name suggests - is the 'big guy' of the bunch, the one that takes the punches and gives back a lot in return.

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Character Animation - Morwen
15 Sep | 10:00 am

Although you have probably already seen Morwen if you played the game, here's a little look at the idle combat animation of this fan favorite. Also, a little heads-up: she is getting a small buff to be of better use during combat encounters in 'Pilgrims of the Wasteland'.


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#art #animation

Project Update - Leader Status (video)
10 Sep | 10:00 am

Fellow vagri! This is just a short video to demonstrate the recently updated Leader Status UI pane, which lists all the enduring status effects that belong to your character, the vagrus.

The Lost Pilgrims

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#projectupdate #video

Character Artwork - Specter
08 Sep | 10:00 am

Specters are a relatively common phenomenon in Vagrus's dark, cruel setting but that does not take away from how dreaded they are. Angry, insane souls stuck between life and the afterlife, these sad creatures roam the forsaken places of the world - often locations where they were slain, haunting the abandoned reaches of the Empire. The initial challenge in encounters with Specters is finding ways to harm them: by nature, these entities are between worlds and thus can not be damaged by normal means. Once you find the means, they are less of a danger but must still be taken seriously.

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#art #enemy #spectre