Game Design Post – Overwatch Rework
27 Apr | 10:00 am

Hello everyone,

In our bid to improve Companion Combat, we have already tweaked Push and Pull effects. Now, we are implementing changes to increase the utility of Overwatch Skills. These tweaks will soon be available in the Beta branch and then go live in our public build as well.

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#2023 #gamedesign #companioncombat #projectupdate

Project Update - Change in Push and Pull Skills
13 Apr | 10:00 am

Hello everyone,

This time we have tweaked push and pull effects in Companion combat – something we have been looking to do for a while. Until now, upon being successfully targeted by push or pull Skills, characters switched positions along horizontal lines. From now on, however, they may move diagonally as well, depending on the positions of the attacker and the defender. This means that the positioning of Companions will have a larger influence on what happens during combat, thus introducing an additional tactical layer.

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#projectupdate #2023 #companioncombat #combat

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.1300221S - Codename: Magnificatus est Controls
22 Feb | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

Today we are releasing a large patch with features that we’ve been talking about for some time, most of which are a reiteration from the post we released about a public Beta weeks ago. With that Beta now over, you can now scroll down to see all of the details regarding our implementation of full controller support, UI and text zooming, improved initial game loading times, and much, much more. Alongside these, we have also implemented a new pop-up window for players to see what’s new when they load up the game, and a DLC catalog, which lets you see what content you already own, as shown below.

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Public Beta Branch Live - Patch 1.1.30 with Controller and Small screen support
27 Jan | 11:00 am

So what’s new on that public beta branch? Basically, everything we have added for hand-held porting and controller support, as well as screen optimization and accessibility features. A more detailed rundown of these can be found in our previous devlog here.

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#2023 #public #beta #controller

Location Artwork - Change Storm
08 Dec | 10:00 am

Not quite a location per se, more of an occurrence everybody tries to avoid, a change storm is a special kind of arcane storm. Striking out of nowhere, often without any prior warning signs, it rains malicious energies upon anyone unfortunate enough to be caught up in it. Change storms are known to twist forms and change substance. They are known to alter living creatures and inanimate objects alike. Such a storm refracts, warps, reshapes, mutates, and changes everything and everyone it touches in the most disconcerting, morbid, and repulsive ways fathomable. The effects of a change storms are a perverse violation of all anatomical structures – and the changes may very well be permanent. Therefore, change storms must be avoided at all costs, or, one caught up in it has to muster all sorcerous defenses at their disposal to get out unaffected.

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#art #location #2022

Project Update: Scouting Rework Video
20 Oct | 10:00 am

As a follow-up to our recent scouting revamp, we’ve put together a short video showcasing the new and improved Manual Scouting and the recently introduced Auto-scouting. You can check them both out below – manual scouting covers the first thirty-five seconds of the video, while the rest is dedicated to auto-scouting.

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#2022 #projectupdate #video #scouting #rework

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.25 - Codename: Seekers
22 Sep | 7:00 pm

Hey everyone,

This time, we've got a new free DLC for you, along with revamped Scouting, a Glossary to clarify gameplay mechanisms and UI elements, as well as major backend improvements. It would be no understatement to say that this is a huge stepping stone for us and the Riven Realms.

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#2022 #build #patch #update #dlc

Project Update - The Scouting Rework Part II - Auto-scouting
04 Aug | 10:00 am

Following on from last week’s post about our overhaul of manual scouting, today we’re excited to delve a little deeper into our newest feature: Auto-scouting.

First off, let’s talk a little about our goals with these changes. We had been aware for some time that many players did not feel scouting was worth the investment, so when we set out to rework it, our approach was multi-pronged: we needed to provide changes to scouting in general that made it compelling and useful to engage with manually, while also offering a lower investment approach with some level of trade-off with the automated version.

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#projectupdate #scouting #feature #update

Project Update - Scouting Rework Part I - Manual-scouting
28 Jul | 10:00 am

As it has become standard since the release of Vagrus, the team has been hard at work on another much-requested update – this time it’s scouting we’re addressing. Players have been expressing their concerns about the state of scouting for some time now, and we’re happy to announce that we think we have managed to bring it to a place where it offers a great deal to those who are willing to make use of its more niche qualities while incorporating enough concrete drawbacks that it does not become a default or even mandatory choice for vagri out traversing the wasteland.

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#projectupdate #scouting #feature #update

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.21 - Codename: Spectacular
27 Jul | 12:00 pm

Hey everyone,

Originally, we haven’t scheduled a patch before your next DLC, but since that is still in progress and you’ve reported a few larger bugs – which is always much appreciated – we decided to release one anyway. The new major scouting features are still being tested, however, we squeezed in a few smaller changes into this build, so it’s more than just a simple hotfix. Event image panning is a new effect you may have heard of already, while House Venari and the Carpenters’ Guild becoming one another’s associates is a meaningful change in the life of the comitati roaming Terra Supra.

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#2022 #build #patch #update