The Latest Quality of Life and Design Improvements
16 May | 10:00 am

As we close in on the release of our Old Acquaintances DLC, the portions of the team that are not busy drawing or writing have been hard at work on a plethora of miscellaneous QoL improvements, the fruits of which have now been made public.

Mercenary Tasks

We’ve always endeavored to make some sweeping changes to how Mercenary Tasks work, and happily, we’ve now had the time to implement them. These tasks have always had time limits, yet now, they function far more logically. This is to say that after you complete an elimination or defending task, you may return to the faction that gave it to you at any time after you do so, while in the past the time limit was still active, even after you had completed but haven’t turned it in.

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#2024 #projectupdate #ui #QoL

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.165 - Codename: Shore Up
08 May | 5:00 pm

Hey everyone,

We haven’t released a new build since way back in February, so we have got a slew of changes to discuss. While the changes are wide-ranging and significant, we’ve broken down each batch into easily digestible sections, the first of which is the Outpost and its coming update. For those of you looking for an abridged breakdown of what we’ve been working on you may simply scroll down to the patch notes.

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#2024 #projectupdate #patch

Project Update - The Scouting Rework Part II - Auto-scouting
04 Aug | 10:00 am

Following on from last week’s post about our overhaul of manual scouting, today we’re excited to delve a little deeper into our newest feature: Auto-scouting.

First off, let’s talk a little about our goals with these changes. We had been aware for some time that many players did not feel scouting was worth the investment, so when we set out to rework it, our approach was multi-pronged: we needed to provide changes to scouting in general that made it compelling and useful to engage with manually, while also offering a lower investment approach with some level of trade-off with the automated version.

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#projectupdate #scouting #feature #update

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.0.20 - Codename: Guilder
23 Feb | 12:00 pm

Hey everyone,

we have a new patch for Vagrus, which is incidentally the first to add sizable new content - namely, the faction leader NPCs and interactions for the Loaders' and Carpenters' Guilds, something that has been lacking compared to other factions. Each of them can give you a new quest to further get into their good graces (and get a little something-something for yourself in the process, of course). Below are the detailed patch notes.

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#projectupdate #patch #update

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.012. - Codename: Settled
26 Oct | 3:00 pm

Hey everyone,

Another week, another patch! We keep tweaking things and adding smaller stuff for now while fixing bugs. Some are tougher than others, of course, so bear with us. Most of the fixes and tweaks were made possible due to a passionate and active player base - we can't thank you enough!

Important Note: Considering the extent of these improvements there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuild reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server. Now let's jump into the details:

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#projectupdate #patch #update

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.01 - Codename: Outpost
17 Oct | 2:00 pm

Hey everyone,

We've been trying to catch up since the launch last Tuesday and get on top of some of the bugs that many of you reported while also rounding out the missing Outpost and Wealth victory path ending parts. Although some bugs are still being hunted, the latter two are now being added to Vagrus.

This means that you can now build your own outpost out in the wasteland (one specific spot for now, room for expansion later), and upgrade it bit by bit so that in the end it yields you profit from time to time if managed properly. It is important to know that no new UI or feature comes with the outpost, since Vagrus is not a game that involves building stuff - the outpost is instead presented in Event format like it was envisioned from the beginning (and similar to other victory paths). Once completed, the outpost can be used for vagri with the Wealth ambition to win the game (but can be completed with all vagri). It's super expensive to do that, mind you, giving you a nice endgame goal and challenge.

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#projectupdate #patch #update #release

Character Poses - Tarkian Mercenary
31 Aug | 10:00 am

Tarkian Mercenaries are versatile fighters effective both in melee and from range, so they can be commonly seen in mercenary or outlaw rosters in different setups. They are quite tough with high Block values and good Initiative but light armor. All of this relegates them to a support role, which their Skills reinforce:

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A New Build is OUT - Patch 0.7.00 - Codename: The Famous and the Furtive
22 Jul | 7:00 pm

Hey Folks,

with so many of you well over the hundred hours mark in the game, it was high time for us to add the opportunity to actually win it. The first winning condition we have implemented is the Renown victory. The other two, Wealth and Knowledge will become available in the 1.0 release later this year.

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#projectupdate #patchnotes

Character Artwork - Handjari Soldier
20 Jul | 10:00 am

'I heard that your son's birthday was late last moon. What did he get from you, my friend?'

'An army of his own. It is time for him to become a man and begin his own hegemony.'

- A conversation between the Trade Princes Tufael Rashad and Faisal Khamravi

Handjari are a caste in Tarkian society that has its power base in their great cities, wealth accumulated from trade, and ties to the priesthood of Inubis, the moon- and night-god of that desert realm. Professional soldiers organized into armies and warbands that were raised, trained, and employed by the Trade Princes are also called Handjari. These warriors are famous for being organized but also being able to take the initiative by themselves - specialist in skirmishing, light cavalry, and archery. Because of the close ties between the Empire and the Handjari Trade Princes, these soldiers can often be found attached to Imperial legions or garrisons.

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#art #enemy #hanjari

Project Update - Companion Combat Design Changes
03 Jun | 10:00 am

Companion Combat is an important facet of Vagrus even though players have quite a lot of control over how much they want to engage in it. At the same time, it is the most complex part of the game when it comes to code, so whatever changes we make requires more time relative to other parts.

After we added Mercenary Tasks, our focus has moved back to improving Companion Combat, partly because a lot of players opt to enter it from Crew Combat, so it is our goal to keep these fights interesting for as long as possible. The current set of changes are thus aimed at spicing things up a bit: more movement and thus further emphasis on positioning instead of spamming Skill 1 while standing still. The changes include:

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#projectupdate #companion #combat