As we close in on the release of our Old Acquaintances DLC, the portions of the team that are not busy drawing or writing have been hard at work on a plethora of miscellaneous QoL improvements, the fruits of which have now been made public.
Mercenary Tasks
We’ve always endeavored to make some sweeping changes to how Mercenary Tasks work, and happily, we’ve now had the time to implement them. These tasks have always had time limits, yet now, they function far more logically. This is to say that after you complete an elimination or defending task, you may return to the faction that gave it to you at any time after you do so, while in the past the time limit was still active, even after you had completed but haven’t turned it in.
Hey everyone,
We haven’t released a new build since way back in February, so we have got a slew of changes to discuss. While the changes are wide-ranging and significant, we’ve broken down each batch into easily digestible sections, the first of which is the Outpost and its coming update. For those of you looking for an abridged breakdown of what we’ve been working on you may simply scroll down to the patch notes.
For the first time in a long time, we have a project update for you, and it’s a doozy. Although he already began working with us as early as June 2023, we’d now like to welcome one of our newest and most talented 2D and 3D artists: Bence Monori. Bence has a talent for many things, though he is currently focused primarily on a wide range of environmental art, some of which came to the fore during the expansion Sunfire and Moonshadow.
Hey everyone,
As we have mentioned before, while we are working on the upcoming DLCs already, we would also like to expand Vagrus with smaller content drops – both the core game and the Expansion. The first of such additions comes in the form of this update, which adds the starting segments of a lengthy questline to all owners of Sunfire and Moonshadow. Without getting into spoilers, the quest deals with the Dreamwalker’s followers and will take you to places previously unseen. To start it, you have to have interacted with these strange fanatics several times and explored the Bronze Desert.
Hey everyone,
Our original plan was to kick the year off with a neat content update (more about it here) in early February together with a host of fixes but the team crushed so many bugs in January – some of them critical – that we decided to release the update earlier. So here we are. We’ll follow this up soon with what we originally intended. Very soon, actually. As always, the majority of the bugs we have fixed were reported by our amazing community. We can’t thank you enough for helping us improve Vagrus, but we’ll try with additional content in the future.
It’s that time of year again and so we at Lost Pilgrims wanted to wish you all Happy Holidays! Enjoy your well-deserved rest, spend time with your loved ones, or just chill, play your unplayed games, read, eat, or do whatever makes you happy.
We are winding down as well after we take care of a few things and although we’ll monitor the usual channels, we’ll hunker down until early January because the last half a dozen months have been quite exhausting for the Pilgrims.
Hello everyone,
Xeryn is about to become even more captivating as we proudly announce the release of our highly anticipated expansion: Sunfire and Moonshadow, featuring a vast new region to explore. As of now, it is available to the public on Steam, GOG, and Epic Games and it can be purchased as part of our Season Pass on Steam, GOG, and Epic., which includes two future DLCs. Check out the trailer here.
In today’s article, we’ll do our very best to explain how and why we arrived at the conclusion to remove the in-game campaign time limit from Vagrus, and also go into detail about what this entails, especially regarding achievements. We feel that this is necessary because the system has been with us since the release of Vagrus back in 2020 and our players have always had a diverse view on it existing in the first place. So buckle up, time is of the essence!
Hey everyone,
In this next installment of our little devlog series focused on the upcoming expansion Sunfire and Moonshadow, we are taking a look at the three new factions that your vagri will be able to ingratiate themselves with, earning their respect and a slew of rewards, of course.
Note that this post contains mild spoilers, so if you wish to wade into the expansion completely blind, perhaps postpone reading this until you have done so.
Important Note: Considering the extent of the improvements, there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuilt reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.