February Tech Update Post
16 Feb | 10:00 am

Hello everyone,

In our previous post, we announced the opening of our public Beta branch. Since then, we’ve also been hard at work to implement all the improvements – and more – in our default branch, so here’s an overview of the things we are planning to include!

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#2023 #projectupdate #tech

Project Update: Scouting Rework Video
20 Oct | 10:00 am

As a follow-up to our recent scouting revamp, we’ve put together a short video showcasing the new and improved Manual Scouting and the recently introduced Auto-scouting. You can check them both out below – manual scouting covers the first thirty-five seconds of the video, while the rest is dedicated to auto-scouting.

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#2022 #projectupdate #video #scouting #rework

05 Oct | 10:00 am

Today we celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the full release of Vagrus – The Riven Realms. We are happy to have reached this point, and perhaps most importantly, we couldn’t have done it without the help of our backers, supporters, and players along the way. So here’s to you, vagri, for all your encouragement, assistance, feedback, and goodwill! In this post, we’ll be taking a little bit of a trip down memory lane, from the beginning and creation of the game to its release exactly one year ago. We’ll finish up with a small glimpse into the future of Vagrus and what players can expect moving forward.

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#2022 #anniversary #dlc #projectupdate

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.25 - Codename: Seekers
22 Sep | 7:00 pm

Hey everyone,

This time, we've got a new free DLC for you, along with revamped Scouting, a Glossary to clarify gameplay mechanisms and UI elements, as well as major backend improvements. It would be no understatement to say that this is a huge stepping stone for us and the Riven Realms.

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#2022 #build #patch #update #dlc

Project Update - The Scouting Rework Part II - Auto-scouting
04 Aug | 10:00 am

Following on from last week’s post about our overhaul of manual scouting, today we’re excited to delve a little deeper into our newest feature: Auto-scouting.

First off, let’s talk a little about our goals with these changes. We had been aware for some time that many players did not feel scouting was worth the investment, so when we set out to rework it, our approach was multi-pronged: we needed to provide changes to scouting in general that made it compelling and useful to engage with manually, while also offering a lower investment approach with some level of trade-off with the automated version.

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#projectupdate #scouting #feature #update

Project Update - Scouting Rework Part I - Manual-scouting
28 Jul | 10:00 am

As it has become standard since the release of Vagrus, the team has been hard at work on another much-requested update – this time it’s scouting we’re addressing. Players have been expressing their concerns about the state of scouting for some time now, and we’re happy to announce that we think we have managed to bring it to a place where it offers a great deal to those who are willing to make use of its more niche qualities while incorporating enough concrete drawbacks that it does not become a default or even mandatory choice for vagri out traversing the wasteland.

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#projectupdate #scouting #feature #update

A New Demo Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.15 - Codename: Perficientur et Qualis Vitae
10 Jun | 11:00 am

Hey everyone,

We keep working on improving features and fixing issues for the game and from time to time we push it into the Demo build as well – this is such a time! The most significant additions are Character UI-related improvements, as well as new content, albeit the restricted nature of the Demo makes accessing some of these a bit tricky. Still, we included them for the sake of thoroughness. We have also improved visuals and fixed about a dozen bugs.

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A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.15 - Codename: Notas et effectus
02 Jun | 5:00 pm

Hey everyone,

As usual, we’ve been working on fixing issues and adding new features as well as improvements. The most significant additions include our new name generator, along with the custom journal and chart notes features. As for improvements, besides smaller optimizations across various parts of the game, we have made the Companion Combat AI significantly faster while the initial loading time has been shortened as well.

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#projectupdate #patch #update

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.0.50 - Codename: Prepared
13 Apr | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

We managed to squeeze in quite a number of improvements and reworks while new content is being created by the team. It includes a lot of things that we have been unable to rework until now, so we're super satisfied that we got around to them. In this patch, we specifically concentrated on Companion Combat UI and the Game Log, but there are a lot of other additions and fixes, too. We've talked about these changes here and here. You can find the detailed patch notes below.

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#projectupdate #patch #update

Project Update - Upcoming Changes Part II.
07 Apr | 10:00 am

In Part I., we discussed upcoming changes that are not combat-related for the most part, so in this one we'll focus on updates to combat, as well as changes we've made to the Log.

Game Log Changes

We've felt for a while now that despite providing important information, the game log is not as informative as we would like it to be. And so we took our tools to it to give it a nice facelift and rework.

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#projectupdate #UI #revamp