Character Artwork - The Mercenary
29 May | 10:00 am

Time to reveal a new character today: the Mercenary.

One of the mercenary characters in the game, this lass is a melee expert in combat and a tough customer to boot. Players will come across her in the Prologue as a friendly NPC, but later on she can be encountered more frequently as a mercenary enemy. Apart from her axe, she wields a whip to great effect. Her painted leather armor is light but sturdy.

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Character Artwok - Crifta
04 Apr | 10:58 am

Our next character reveal - and related artwork - is that of the unfortunate mutant Crifta (literally meaning 'feathers' in Imperial). The player meets the cunning archer in the Prologue, where she debuts as a tough enemy. She can be recruited later in the game, however.

Crifta was born named Navassia Degado in the kingdom of Viran. She became an archer in the army of the northern continent after her brother got killed in earlier battles and she felt compelled to avenge him. Captured during the battles for Santo Lucadas in Viran, she became a slave in the Empire. She was forced to be a prostitute for some time in military camps, but in a year or so she contracted the Taint, and after her transformation she was not so attractive any longer. They moved her to a stone quarry near Deven where she was both a worker and a prostitute. There, she joined some slaves who organized an escape into the wastelands; they became fugitives, escaped slaves, but at least they were free.

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