Hey everyone,
Originally, we haven’t scheduled a patch before your next DLC, but since that is still in progress and you’ve reported a few larger bugs – which is always much appreciated – we decided to release one anyway. The new major scouting features are still being tested, however, we squeezed in a few smaller changes into this build, so it’s more than just a simple hotfix. Event image panning is a new effect you may have heard of already, while House Venari and the Carpenters’ Guild becoming one another’s associates is a meaningful change in the life of the comitati roaming Terra Supra.
Hello all,
The team has been hard at work on a variety of impactful changes; this build is the culmination of those changes in the lead-up to our upcoming free content: The Sunken Tower (DLC). A teaser about the Tower and its associated knowledge victory questline is coming soon.
The build itself introduces several quality of life improvements to general gameplay, including quick camp, automarch, daytime hunting and foraging, and automatic supply acquisition. The goal of these changes is to streamline core gameplay loops and minimize micromanagement for players who enjoy those less while still leaving the same options open for others. For more information about specifics regarding these changes you can view our recent devlog post on steam.
Hello everyone,
Our previous project update was about the random name generator during character creation. In this one, we will show you what else is to come, focusing on the feature requests we’ve been receiving. This current one is about all the input we’ve received on existing and new features.
Hey everyone,
as we’ve mentioned before, we’ve been in the process of expanding our team - the unintended side-effect of which was our work slowing down a bit. Looking for new people, reviewing their test tasks, and interviewing them do take up an awful lot of time and energy. The effort, however, yielded several new hires who are on their probation period right now.
Hey everyone,
Despite all the hurdles (production issues, massive paper shortage, etc.) our Vagrus-related merchandise is in the last stages of production. Shipping will start as soon as we receive the finalized items from the printing factories. We are sorry about the delays, it has been a difficult road to get here.
Hey everyone,
the last few weeks have been slow. Most of our team is either on sick leave or vacation, while the rest of us have been trying to finish tasks related to our physical Vagrus products or were busy formulating plans for the future of Lost Pilgrims. Bear with us though, as we are getting closer to realizing these plans. For now, let us look at what we are working on in more detail.
Hey Folks,
we have been a bit busy. Sorry about that! Now we are coming back big time with a patch that is a culmination of all the changes we have made on the main game over the course of the last nine months.
COVID did not help matters for us but overall, we are happy with our progress thus far. Read more about how 2020 went for us in our blog post here: 2020 Year-End Summary.
Great news: Vagrus has made it into the finalists in the Digital Dragons Indie Celebration competition!
Beside the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places awarded based on the votes of the jury, there is also a Community Vote you can participate in here. The list is in alphabetical order, so Vagrus is the last one. ;)
We have hinted at the rehauling of several Combat Skills recently, and we are happy to announce that these improvements made their way into the next build of Vagrus. Moreover, we ended up with many more skills that now work much better or are completely new than we had initially thought. Here are a few of these with some commentary:
One of the most requested additions by our Early Access players has been Companion progression for a while now, and it's no surprise. Being a party-based RPG at its heart, Vagrus has a roster of unique Companions that are your most trusty lieutenants with their own backstories, skills, and personalities. It is only natural that they can become stronger with time and effort - and we have naturally designed this progression system in the beginning, but we held off on adding it because there were a lot of specifics to work out and the EA experience functioned fairly well without it.