Vagrus Creation (Game Design Post)
13 Feb | 10:00 am

One of the last big additions to Vagrus' Open World Campaign that is now coming very close to being released is the character creation sequence at the start of the game. That is the feature that allows you to customize and set up your own vagrus by selecting a variety of options in subsequent steps. To give a quick idea of the many amazing options, here's a little rundown:

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Location Artwork - The Plains of Bone
11 Feb | 10:00 am

'What draws them to this place, I wonder. Is it the utter sadness that permeates this forsaken expanse? Does it call to them when they begin to feel the chill breath of death? Perhaps there is a wordless language spanning all species that speaks as the realm of Ahskul starts to beckon.'

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Project Update - Chat Heads
06 Feb | 10:00 am

The decision to add the small portraits of Companions to the steps of Events where they appear was an easy one: it added a lot of character to the texts and was an easy addition due to the portraits being derived from the already existing art assets (idle combat images of said Companions).

But then in true Lost Pilgrims fashion we felt that this could become so much more if ALL major NPCs received a similar portrait, or 'chat head' in Events and so we started producing a few to see what they looked like. Most of these were based on friends to honor two decades of roleplaying together and they turned out so cool that we decided to open these up for Backers and influencers as well. So if you want your mug in the game as one of the many NPCs, here's the chance. :)

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Character Poses - Yrg Warrior
28 Jan | 10:00 am

Yrg Warriors are very tough enemies but luckily they are not encountered often. When they are, make sure you have the right Companions healed up and ready for a savage battle because these chitinous juggernauts give no quarter and won't stop until they are killed.
What makes Yrg Warriors difficult to destroy is their high Armor value (in addition to a large pool of Vitality) and good Resistances to effects. They are difficult to Stun or Bleed, and have a high Block value to add even more Armor against attacks. However, they are quite slow and due to their bulk they may not be able to move around much on the battlefield.
Both of their Skills are damage-oriented, though each of them has its special perks that make them even more dangerous:
Blade Arms: The Warrior attacks with one of its scythe-like arms then follows up with the other, so this Skill chains two attacks into one, but with separate Hit, Crit, and Damage rolls. Both attacks have a high damage potential as well as being difficult to Block.
Acid Spit: A ranged attack that penetrates Armor, Acid Spit hits for moderate damage but debuffs the target's Armor stat for the entire combat.
Yrg Warriors typically accompany their weaker kin but sometimes (if you are really unlucky) you will come across a contingent of these hardy killing machines by themselves. Whichever the case, you should be prepared for a very dangerous fight.


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Character Animation - Bruiser
21 Jan | 10:00 am

2020's first Vagrus animation sneak peek time! This time, the bruiser, who's itching for a fight.


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The New Open Access Build (v0.4.9) is LIVE!
09 Jan | 10:00 am

In the meantime, Patch 0.4.9 went live mid-December and all the goodies it brought can be checked out below or in-game, of course! I hope you enjoy the fixes and additional features, we'll be back soon with more.
New Features
  • MS 6: Crew Combat Alpha
  • MS 14: Unrest and Obedience Mechanics (Partial delivery): Liberate or Discipline Slaves to gain Obedience. Unrest will be added in a later update.
  • Butcher beasts or mounts for supplies
  • Warning triggers if an action would result in cargo loss
 Additional milestones delivered that will only appear in the main campaign 
  • MS 10: Chart Exploration
  • MS 11: Companion Select during Events
  • MS 13: Hidden Stash and Smuggling Contraband
 New / Updated Content or Game mechanics 
  • New sound effects for a number of creatures
  • Camping without guards decreases Obedience
  • Radial menu icons automatically pop up on the campaign map
  • Node sizes increased for Point of Interests to better indicate them
  • Goods tooltips now show more trade information
  • Merged a few perks to make them more impactful
  • Passenger destinations are now generated correctly in new games (thanks for catching and reporting this!)! Old saves remain bugged.
  • New Day save now works after combat encounters in the Fighting Pit event
  • Cargo slot changes are now applied immediately
  • Fixed tutorial pins for closing the Journal and the Codex
  • Fixed a bug causing Companion conversation portraits to be empty
  • Healing companions no longer triggers the incorrect Event result text
  • Fixed the Journal entry order for The Black Knight chapter V, Eliminating the Abolitionist Camps
  • Clicking on the Journal or Codex during "Hold space..." tutorial/narration is up now does not open them
 Coming Up Next
  • More Sound Effects
  • Vagrus Creation for the Main Campaign
  • Companion Combat tweaks and additions
  • Factions UI
  • Animations for all characters
  • Open World Prototype


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Character Poses - Criftaa
07 Jan | 10:00 am

You fought her in Pilgrims of the Wasteland, now you can hire her in the main campaign - Criftaa is back with a little skill and stat rundown! She is a character with a dark past and a cold, professional demeanor. Her journey has had a lot of cruelty, abuse, and heartbreak, which forged her into a deadly bounty hunter and a true survivor.

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Character Artwork - Finndurarth
17 Dec | 10:00 am

By now you have seen a lot of available Companions from Vagrus, but there are still one or two up our sleeves. So, without further ado, let's talk a bit about Finndurarth, a new and powerful potential addition to your team.
The Dragonmage Finndurarth is the protégé of a powerful noble family from the northern Dragonlands. She has shown signs of arcane affinity from early childhood and was tutored by powerful spellcasters who had unlocked her Flame (the source of magical energy that Dragonmages possess) and taught her how to use it well. However, Finndurarth's exceptional upbringing and brilliant mind would lead her to be discontent with 'simply' being a powerful and influential mage, so she also signed up to become a diplomat, honing her inherent talent for speaking and mediating. Though by no means an expert in either, her diplomatic skills as well as magical abilities make the young Dragonmage a valuable asset for any comitatus. However, her inexperience with journeying through wastelands as well as often naive or idealistic world view can spell trouble for her traveling companions.
In gameplay terms, Finndurarth is a powerful spellcaster unlike any other previous Companion. Her lightning-based attacks can deal with single opponents and groups alike - you only have to be aware of her depleting Power statistic that fuels her spells. She can also cast a protective arcane shield on a friendly target and - thanks to her wings - fly to any empty position on the battlefield. You have to be careful though, because although Finndurarth can dish out a fair amount of damage, she is rather on the squishy side.
As for the artwork (created by Bazsó Lossonczy), the challenges involved her having wings as well as many Draconic features like small horns, several different skin tones, inhuman eyes, claws, and more, and yet she had to look likeable and even a bit naive. We are very satisfied with the outcome, and in Finndurarth we see a Companion who is very much apart from the others in look and design yet fits well into the established art style.

The Lost Pilgrims Team


Our crowdfunding campaign is LIVE at Get instant access to the Alpha build now!


Wanna get the game as early as possible with even more content? Please share our pages and posts with your friends through your favorite social media channel(s). Appreciate it! | Steam | Website | Youtube | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Patreon | Discord

Character Animation - Brigand
10 Dec | 10:00 am

Another enemy animation has come off the conveyor belt! The Brigand is now ready to fight your companions in all his animated glory, brandishing his spear and sporting that baller turtle-shell helmet.

The Lost Pilgrims Team


Our crowdfunding campaign is LIVE at Get instant access to the Alpha build now!

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Character Poses - Scortaur
03 Dec | 10:00 am

This time, we'll revisit the dreaded Scortaur and take a look at their stats and skills in general. These creatures are devious, fierce, and horribly mutated, so you'll have to be prepared to be challenged by their combat abilities when you run into them.

The most apparent stats when it comes to these horrid savages are the high Vitality and Block chance, which often adds a bonus to their already considerable Armor. Additionally, they are quite resistant to many status effects and have great Initiative. Their four Combat Skills make them versatile opponents:

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