Great news, vagri: after testing our new content as much as possible, we can now put down a release date for what will be our second free DLC – Seekers of Knowledge. That’s right; mark your calendars, because Seekers of Knowledge will be dropping on the 22nd of September.
With this DLC we are aiming to enrich the already vast playable realm and to further add to the victory paths already available to players. The DLC itself unlocks a variety of extensive questlines and introduces the Sunken Tower; a massive new dungeon and the focal point of the release’s new, unique stories.
Hey everyone,
Originally, we haven’t scheduled a patch before your next DLC, but since that is still in progress and you’ve reported a few larger bugs – which is always much appreciated – we decided to release one anyway. The new major scouting features are still being tested, however, we squeezed in a few smaller changes into this build, so it’s more than just a simple hotfix. Event image panning is a new effect you may have heard of already, while House Venari and the Carpenters’ Guild becoming one another’s associates is a meaningful change in the life of the comitati roaming Terra Supra.
Hello all,
The team has been hard at work on a variety of impactful changes; this build is the culmination of those changes in the lead-up to our upcoming free content: The Sunken Tower (DLC). A teaser about the Tower and its associated knowledge victory questline is coming soon.
The build itself introduces several quality of life improvements to general gameplay, including quick camp, automarch, daytime hunting and foraging, and automatic supply acquisition. The goal of these changes is to streamline core gameplay loops and minimize micromanagement for players who enjoy those less while still leaving the same options open for others. For more information about specifics regarding these changes you can view our recent devlog post on steam.
Hey everyone,
We are working on something special for you, especially those who would enjoy picking the Knowledge ambition in a future playthrough. Our next free DLC will feature the Sunken Tower and the Knowledge ambition victory. That’s right, you will get the chance to explore that location and in doing so, win the game! Let’s look into it, shall we?
Hey everyone,
As usual, we’ve been working on fixing issues and adding new features as well as improvements. The most significant additions include our new name generator, along with the custom journal and chart notes features. As for improvements, besides smaller optimizations across various parts of the game, we have made the Companion Combat AI significantly faster while the initial loading time has been shortened as well.
we've had a final patch for this year in the works for a while now. This one also includes fixes and tweaks primarily before we move on to adding chunks of new stuff next year. Still, rounding these glitches out first was more important than rushing headlong into creating new stuff, so we hope you appreciate the work we put in this one.
Hey everyone,
We've been trying to catch up since the launch last Tuesday and get on top of some of the bugs that many of you reported while also rounding out the missing Outpost and Wealth victory path ending parts. Although some bugs are still being hunted, the latter two are now being added to Vagrus.
This means that you can now build your own outpost out in the wasteland (one specific spot for now, room for expansion later), and upgrade it bit by bit so that in the end it yields you profit from time to time if managed properly. It is important to know that no new UI or feature comes with the outpost, since Vagrus is not a game that involves building stuff - the outpost is instead presented in Event format like it was envisioned from the beginning (and similar to other victory paths). Once completed, the outpost can be used for vagri with the Wealth ambition to win the game (but can be completed with all vagri). It's super expensive to do that, mind you, giving you a nice endgame goal and challenge.
And by Ahskul what a journey this has been so far. Speaking of which, there is a bit of a parallel here that could be drawn between caravans trudging across a barren, post-apocalyptic dark fantasy world and a tiny studio scrambling to deliver a huge open world game but we let's not go there on this fine day! :D
Hey Folks,
with so many of you well over the hundred hours mark in the game, it was high time for us to add the opportunity to actually win it. The first winning condition we have implemented is the Renown victory. The other two, Wealth and Knowledge will become available in the 1.0 release later this year.
As we are gearing up for the 1.0 release of Vagrus, we are finally coming around to implement the victory mechanics, which means that you will soon be able to complete a playthrough! There are caveats, of course, since we are still in Early Access, but we thought it was time to discuss what to expect (now and later).