DLC Character Artwork – Sons of the Mountain
13 Feb | 10:00 am

One of the more (arguably) cultured scavenger gangs of Varnurud, the Sons of the Mountain, take their name from their dedication to the region’s now-extinct Dwarves, lost to the fiery death that consumed the Dvendar Tharr during the Calamity. Gang members identify with and wish to uphold the great Dwarven legacy that they would say echoes through the ages.

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#2025 #character #art #dlc

The New and Improved Extras Menu
30 Jan | 10:00 am

This week we’re excited to show off some recent revamps of our UI that we’ve been working on, namely a rework of the Extras menu point in the game’s main menu. The most important improvements here entail the ability to rewatch all Vagrus cinematics, including the main campaign’s intro, as well as the story trailers of Old Acquaintances and At the Heart of Ruin, our upcoming DLC.

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#2025 #ui #update #extras #patronage #soundtrack

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.180
21 Nov | 4:34 pm

This week’s update addresses several issues, removes the much criticized Chinese and Japanese machine translations and features some Quality of Life optimizations. Alongside this, we are continuing to work hard on our coming DLC, and will endeavor to share more about it as we progress.

Important Note: Considering the extent of the improvements, there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuilt reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.

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#2024 #dlc #projectupdate #patch #release

Dev Update – Stalking the Wasteland
15 Nov | 10:00 am

As we move into full swing with teaser season, we come to you today with another reveal of a group of foes. These predators of the wasteland may not feed on the flesh of their victims like the bloodletting miscreants we showed you previously, but they are an efficient lot with an affinity for hunting and slaying beasts, many of which you will come across in our upcoming region DLC. For now, we can only show you one of their ilk, but rest assured: the Wasteland Stalkers – their name among themselves and others – are deadly and exacting in their modus operandi.

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#2024 #dlc #teaser

Dev Update – Bloodletting Miscreants
10 Oct | 10:00 am

Today we have a delectable treat for you: new enemies from our coming DLC (which is swiftly becoming expansion-sized). These sick, depraved would-be tribesmen don’t exactly look like the types of folk you’d have around for dinner; however, they would love to have you! You can tell just from their grisly outfits and bloodied weapons – they are the “love you and eat you” types.

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#2024 #enemy #dlc #art

Lost Pilgrims at Fighting Fantasy Fest 5
19 Sep | 10:00 am

Well, one lost pilgrim to be precise. On 7th September, I was fortunate to have participated in Fighting Fantasy Fest 5 in the UK, representing Lost Pilgrims there in exhibiting the City of Thieves graphic novel I’ve been working on with Chameleon Comix’s founder Gyula Szűcs and mega-talented graphic artist Krisztián Balla. We met and chatted with a lot of enthusiastic Fighting Fantasy fans, encountered living legends, listened to intriguing talks, and saw a ton of cool stuff, including the new gamebook The Dungeon on Blood Island by Sir Ian Livingstone himself.

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#2024 #fightingfantasy #lostpilgrims

Our Dedicated Demo (Prologue) Page
05 Sep | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

So Steam has updated its policies related to games sold on the platform, eliminating direct links from one page to another. This means that our main Vagrus page can no longer link to our Demo (Prologue) and vice versa. Before this was the case, we had our Demo (Prologue) set up as a different application, whereas now we must enable the Demo (Prologue) store page beneath the main game.

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#2024 #demo #update

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.175 Codename: Conrectus Ligaturae
27 Aug | 4:00 pm

New or Updated Features

  • You can now double-click to move on the campaign map.
  • Revamped key bindings: defaults have been changed to be more intuitive and grouped by topics or UI categories, and new hotkeys have been added.
  • The Leadership Perk “Command” has been reworked: it now unlocks all advanced Crew Combat actions passively and when Resourcefulness is spent, it raises Combat Strength and Defense by 15% as well as turns Critical Failure rolls to Failure.
  • The effects of multiple “Terrifying” Perks no longer stack. Stacking caused Skills that target multiple positions with characters with the Perk to be close to useless.
  • You can now butcher Beasts and Mounts directly at your Outpost instead of having to move them to the comitatus.
  • You no longer lose Mounts when Fighters leave you during Events (ie. Outriders do not take their Mounts) for narrative reasons.


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#2024 #dlc #projectupdate #patch #release

Coming QoL Changes and Improvements
01 Aug | 10:32 am

As we’ve alluded to in recent posts, the recent release of Old Acquaintances has set the creative part of the team into action on our next DLC, but what have our programmers, UI, and quality assurance people been up to?

Why, improving the game, of course. This is why we’re happy to present some impactful quality of life (QoL) changes that will help make your Vagrus experience all the smoother.

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#2024 #qol #updates

New Build Is Live - Patch v1.172 Codename: Victorious
12 Jul | 8:04 pm

Hey everyone,

This new patch brings with it one really important and big change and some other fixes we applied since our last update. The large change in question is the altering of how victory works in a campaign. Previously, you were able to win the game, then choose to continue playing. This caused a lot of consistency issues with Ending slides, as you were unable to check them later on and so even if something changed (like a major questline that has its own slide was completed) after the victory, players would miss them. And so from now on, once you retire as part of a victory, you will not be able to continue playing afterward. You can complete the victory condition and then play indefinitely until the time comes you decide to conclude the playthrough and then retire to experience the Endings. Of course, you can also save the game, retire to check the slides, and then load to play more.

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#2024 #dlc #projectupdate #patch #release