Character Poses - Yrg Worker
19 Nov | 10:00 am

The most common type of Yrg are Workers, so much so, in fact, that most people on the continent equate the Yrg race with these nearly mindless drones. Though there are many more sub-species of these insectoids, the Workers indeed make up the vast majority of hives. With utter disregard for their own safety they build, haul, guard, and explore in the name of the hive. Sometimes workers are abducted by specialized hunters and are made to serve as mounts, beasts of burden, or even arena fodder by the use of crystal magic.

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Project Update - Meet-up with our fans at Vault 51 bar
05 Sep | 10:00 am

We met with the Vault 51 guys at PlayIT - a gameshow we attended with Vagrus - where we discussed how cool it would be to organize a fans & developers meet-up there some time. We exchanged numbers and unlike most things that get forgotten soon after, we followed through, and it was a blast.

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Project Update - Laurels, New Fig Milestones, and Platform Announcement
29 Aug | 3:00 pm

Laurels All Around

In our endeavour to get Vagrus into the sights of as many cRPG lovers as we can, we applied for featured spots in a number of nearby game shows - successfully! Not only did we get invited to present Vagrus the game itself but our art design and developer pitch has been rewarded as well making it into the official selection of said shows (see above). That reminds us to bring to your attention the upcoming opportunities to meet us in person:

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#fig #gameportals #gameshow #gog #milestone #projectupdate

Trading Between Settlements (video)
08 Aug | 10:00 am

We are super excited to share some of our progress as we are getting closer and closer to releasing the build that has the new trade pricing system feature.

This short video demonstrates how the comitatus carries goods from one market to the other trying to make some profit. The quantity and price of goods are calculated based on their source location and the time spent on the road to get to a certain place. Will your comitatus be able to transport them quicker than the market flow to realize a profit? 

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Trade System (Game Design Post)
01 Aug | 10:00 am

Ever since we came up with the idea of Vagrus, a game where you manage a comitatus, we knew we needed to develop an elaborate, dynamic trade system that would serve as one of the major features of the game and would also aid in fleshing out a living world.

Basic Premises 

While trading was always to be one of the main sources of income for the player, we also wanted to avoid creating a pure trading simulator game. It's not that those are not fun for the right people - stories about Gabor dominating the Auction House on our server in World of Warcraft for a period of time still surface in conversations among friends - but because our strengths lie elsewhere. Our unique setting, The Riven Realms, and telling stories with memorable characters was the first and foremost motivation to create Vagrus, so it was also much more likely to excel in that rather than in a simulation - which we knew relatively little of.

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Narrative Design for Vagrus
25 Jul | 10:00 am

As we are getting closer and closer to releasing the first playable build of the main campaign of Vagrus, it is perhaps a good time to talk a bit about the differences between the open world campaign and 'Pilgrims of the Wasteland'. The focus of this is going to be narrative design and stories but there are going to be implications on gameplay as well.

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Rumors (Game Design Post)
28 Feb | 10:00 am

Another crucial game mechanic that is being added to Vagrus as we are writing this is a system of Rumors. Rumors are short entries in your Journal that are meant to guide players to content and unlock locations on their Chart in order to help them plan journeys and find places. We have come to the conclusion during playtesting that not only do we need to differentiate these Rumor entries from your Objectives in the Journal but we also need to separate them entirely and move them to a different pane. As evident from this, Rumors have undergone quite a lot of change since their original conception.

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#gamedesign #journal #location #map #rumors

One Million Key Strokes
13 Dec | 10:00 am

Well, we have just passed another major milestone in our content creation progress.

As mentioned in our post last week, with our Prologue ready from a content perspective, our writers have been already working on the Early Access stories for Vagrus.

In the Prologue we have well over one hundred thousand words worth of story and lore coming together from Events and Codex entries. Actually, even a bit more since the Narration and Tutorial texts are coming through another source and so are not included in the above numbers. Those two make up over four thousand words on top.

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#2018 #events #narrative #projectupdate #prologue

The Narrator (Pre-Alpha)
01 Nov | 10:00 am

As we've previously hinted at, parts of the game Vagrus has a narrator in the person of Agos the wanderer. An older man and a vagabond, Agos stumbles upon the player one evening on the road and begins telling stories of his travels (if you let him, that is). One such story is the Prologue that you can play through to be introduced to the world and gameplay at the same time, essentially playing through the story Agos is telling.

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#ingamefootage #narration #prealpha #vagrus #video

Character design - Part 2
17 Oct | 2:00 pm

In Character design - Part 1 we talked about the types of characters in Vagrus, focusing especially on Companions and their roles in the game. Now it's time to move onto the topic of what exactly goes into the graphic design phase of these characters.

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#art #artists #character #gamedesign #projectupdate