Behold the captivating cityscape of exotic Kabur, the Jewel of the North. It is one of the most prominent locations in Sunfire and Moonshadow, the expansion of Vagrus that has gone live on Steam, GOG, and Epic. This alluring city lies in the northwestern part of the continent of Xeryn, nestled at the mouth of the valleys at the foot of the Brown Mountains. Kabur, in its colorful magnificence, is dotted with slender towers and shiny onion-shaped domes. Tarkians have laid its foundations even though it is located far away from Tark, and it has become a melting pot of cultures Imperials consider to be exotic. A Handjari Prince rules the metropolis in the name of the Emperor, trying to make a tidy profit in these difficult times of war and insurrection in the north.
Hello everyone,
Xeryn is about to become even more captivating as we proudly announce the release of our highly anticipated expansion: Sunfire and Moonshadow, featuring a vast new region to explore. As of now, it is available to the public on Steam, GOG, and Epic Games and it can be purchased as part of our Season Pass on Steam, GOG, and Epic., which includes two future DLCs. Check out the trailer here.
Hello everyone,
It’s been quite the year since we started developing Sunfire and Moonshadow, our first expansion. Those of you who’ve been following us know that it is introducing a new vast region to explore with a swathe of new settlements, new enemies to conquer, new stories to be a part of, a large cast of characters, and new quests to complete through which you can make your mark on the continent of Xeryn. That’s not all, however, as the Bronze Desert introduces a central conflict involving three new factions – the Ahari, the Chimera Legion, and the Handjari. The expansion features content approaching half the size of the core game.
The teasers just keep coming, and with good reason; we are inching closer and closer to the release of Sunfire and Moonshadow, and we’ve no shortage of intriguing points of interest to share with you. This week features one of the Bronze Desert’s more mysterious locales: the Katharaka Hills. Once covered in a lush forest that surrounded the long-lost Elven ruins of Vaelenesthil, the land here succumbed to the destruction wrought by the Calamity, leaving it in a rocky, barren state.
Those of you who have been following what’s going on over at Steam are surely aware of the Strategy Fest lasting from 28th August to 4th September. Vagrus is represented in the festival with a never-before-seen 35% discount! A great time to grab it at this bargain price if you haven’t already.
Good news, everyone: Vagrus – the Riven Realms has finally gained verified status on Steam Deck! It’s been a long haul, but we have finally reached our goal. We were originally able to attain the simple playable badge, and then, through continuous testing and grit among certain team members, we created and released a build last week that Valve was able to test and approve for verified status. We’d like to express our gratitude to you, the players, without whom we might not have made it this far. The game is already live on Steam Deck, but if you are familiar with it, you may now notice the presence of a new, shiny verified badge. Naturally, we recommend you give it a go!
Important Note: Considering the extent of the improvements, there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuilt reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.
This week we’re excited to talk about updates that will be coming to a new build of Vagrus in the not-too-distant future, a feature that will make things easier for all vagri and their comitati – the addition of a bespoke interface to the Outpost mechanic. This has two components: the first is the warehouse, which allows players to store goods and equipment at the Outpost. The second is the statio, which lets vagri accommodate crew, mounts, and beasts of burden. Before we delve into the details, however, let’s take a trip down memory lane for some additional context.
The time has finally come to announce our upcoming expansion for Vagrus and go into a little detail about what we’ve been working on for the past seven months. It’s been a long, hard road, and while we’re slowly making our way to the finish line, we still have a great deal of testing to do, plus numerous final touches to iterate upon. It’s a terribly exciting time at Lost Pilgrims Studio, and it’s time to share at least some of it with those who made it possible: you, the players. The expansion’s store page is available for viewing and is ready to be wishlisted on Steam, GOG, and Epic.
Hello everyone,
Are you ready for our Community Items?
Many of you might be familiar with Steam Trading Cards and other community items. Essentially, you can collect cards for playing games for which the feature is available. Complete sets of cards can be crafted into game badges that appear on your profile, earning you marketable items, such as profile backgrounds, emoticons, and coupons. They contribute to your Steam Level and are a fun way to show your love and dedication to the games you love.