Character Idle Animation - Sedarias
08 Oct | 10:00 am

Behind the scenes, a ton of progress is being made for our Companion Combat characters' idle animations. This time, here's a quick look at good old Sedarias, who is  is ready to take on anyone!

We'll be back with more animation sneak peaks soon.

The Lost Pilgrims Team


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Workforce Mechanics (Game Design Post)
03 Oct | 10:00 am

Workforce is a fairly hidden stat that measures the complete work output of your comitatus. There are a lot of tasks to be done around a venture like yours in the game, and your workforce has to meet the requirements. These include feeding and tending to beasts and mounts, logistical tasks (such as loading or setting camp), cooking, and much more. This is represented by each type of crew member generating a certain amount of 'workforce need'.
To meet this requirement, your workers and slaves generate 'workforce' (with sometimes passengers potentially adding to the mix as well). Ideally, the workforce generated is enough to cover your needs but this can change fairly rapidly out in the wasteland. For one, low Morale and Obedience - a stat we will tell you more about next week - affect workforce and by losing crew you lose workforce directly.
When you fail to produce enough workforce, bad things start to happen:
  • Understaffed (lower workforce than the requirement) applies Movement Point penalties.
  • Severely understaffed (workforce below 50% of the requirement) applies severe Movement Point penalties.
Additionally, with the new Enduring Effects and the brand new property system we've developed to support them it is possible to assign temporary buffs and debuffs to this stat, too, which goes a long way to spice things up a little.
The Lost Pilgrims Team


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Character Poses - Undead Legionnaire
01 Oct | 10:00 am

Legionnaires are often not relieved of their duties in the Empire once they die but are resurrected as Undead soldiers to continue serving the Emperor and His Holy Agenda. These mindless, soulless shamblers are then sent against enemies of the Empire in the thousands. They feel no fear - they feel nothing, really.

Sometimes these automatons still carry faded legionnaire equipment and pieces of armor, stumbling forward at the command of their necromantic masters. They are slow yet quite sturdy, their skeletal bodies and worn armor proving difficult for most attacks to damage.

Unliving Stab: This is the only skill of this enemy type, which is neither intimidating nor anything special - a single-target, weak melee attack.

Though no serious threat on its own, the real potential of the Unliving Legionnaire is unlocked when they swarm the battlefield in numbers and especially when they are supported by Necromancers who can buff, heal, and even summon additional units of them.


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Hidden Stash and Smuggling Contraband (Game Design Post)
26 Sep | 10:00 am

As the new Trading system was shaping up for Milestone 5 alongside the emergence in our storylines of some of the less lawful factions (such as the Loader's Guild), we figured we would need a sub-system for smuggling goods as it makes sense that these organizations would be willing to hire a vagrus to do just that.

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Creature Artwork - Scortaur
24 Sep | 10:00 am

Once beautiful Madrigos, a city famous for its wealth and hospitality, is now a forsaken ruin called Scorponar, dwelling of the Scortaur, a race of savage scorpion-men who hunt all other races mercilessly and uncompromisingly on and around the Plains of Bone. Only a handful of fortunate wanderers can tell the tale of seeing the city's shattered buildings and old walls at the heart of the wasteland. Those who did see it talk about bone scaffolding and fortifications, flayed bodies hanging from battlements, and banners fashioned from human skin. Scorponar is a place of horror and despair, with the old white stone of Madrigos peeking out from under the colorless sands like broken teeth or shattered bones.

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Project Update - GameDevDaysGraz 2019
19 Sep | 10:00 am

In short: GameDevDays was phenomenal. The speakers and the community made it an absolutely amazing experience for us.

It started off a little rough considering that we could not borrow a reasonable size car for the trip to Graz and with all the tech equipment we needed to bring along it was a miracle that everyone could squeeze in. In the end we did get there even if a bit cramped. The next hoop we needed to jump was a mix-up with our accommodation (someone was already in the room we booked :O ) but eventually we solved that, too.

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Character Poses - Krawag
17 Sep | 10:00 am

The Krawag - draconic reptiles bred to be hunter-killers or guard animals - are easily among the most dangerous enemies in Vagrus. Some of them go rogue and live the solitary life of an apex predator in the cruel wilderness of the Riven Realms, giving vagri like you trouble; others are captured and sent into arenas for entertainment; while still others roam the land in the service of the Dragonlands and its armies.

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Character Idle Animations
12 Sep | 10:00 am

For the last couple of weeks, Szonja has been busy animating our idle characters after we had finally managed to settle on a process. There are still a lot of things to test and work out but after the first few prototypes we came to several important conclusions.

For instance, we decided to have two distinct types of idle combat animations. One would be a very simple 'breathing' anim that is the default one for characters, in an endless loop. The other is a more pronounced movement that sometimes breaks up the more monotonous breathing one. A good example is when Javek fiddles with his goatee or when Gor'Goro brandishes his axe and stomps on the ground. We may even end up using the latter type for character activations in combat.

But for the time being enjoy this gif of a nasty Scortaur savage that provides a glimpse into the future for our Companion combat idles.

The Lost Pilgrims Team


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Creature Artwork - Ghoul
10 Sep | 10:00 am

'What... in Tartaris... is this horrible thing?'

- Decurion Flavius Arbo upon examining the corpse of the creature that tore apart three of his legionnaires the previous night

Little to nothing is known of the beasts now commonly referred to as 'ghouls' that appeared not long ago and now plague the Southern Jagged Waste and especially the gale-ridden expanse called the Singing Winds.

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Project Update - Meet-up with our fans at Vault 51 bar
05 Sep | 10:00 am

We met with the Vault 51 guys at PlayIT - a gameshow we attended with Vagrus - where we discussed how cool it would be to organize a fans & developers meet-up there some time. We exchanged numbers and unlike most things that get forgotten soon after, we followed through, and it was a blast.

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