Vagrus - The Riven Realms is OUT NOW!
05 Oct | 7:00 pm

And by Ahskul what a journey this has been so far. Speaking of which, there is a bit of a parallel here that could be drawn between caravans trudging across a barren, post-apocalyptic dark fantasy world and a tiny studio scrambling to deliver a huge open world game but we let's not go there on this fine day! :D

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#projectupdate #2021 #release #centurionedition

A New Build is OUT - Patch 0.6.20. - Codename: Target Acquired
25 Jun | 3:00 pm

Hey Folks,

it was amazing to see how our latest patch was received. So many great new reviews and quite a few previously negative ones flipped to positive. We appreciate you all immensely for your vote of confidence! Especially as apparently we left a huge bug in the game that made the late game easier, instead of the early game, as we originally intended. So that's getting fixed but what else comes in this new patch, you might ask? Let's dive in!

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#projectupdate #patchnotes

A New Demo Build is OUT - Patch 0.5.31. - Codename: Second Chances
12 May | 5:00 pm

Hey Folks,

we have been a bit busy. Sorry about that! Now we are coming back big time with a patch that is a culmination of all the changes we have made on the main game over the course of the last nine months.

COVID did not help matters for us but overall, we are happy with our progress thus far. Read more about how 2020 went for us in our blog post here: 2020 Year-End Summary.

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#projectupdate #patch #demo

Project Update - QoL Improvements
08 Apr | 10:00 am

The most recent patch (Codename: Perky) brought with it a major Event UI overhaul but we did want to mention all the other Quality of Life improvements we managed to squeeze into the update, too. So, let's jump in and see what changed!

Comitatus UI

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A New Build is OUT - Patch 0.5.29. - Codename: Perky
31 Mar | 4:00 pm

Hey Folks,

this next patch is a bit lean on content but that is because we are gearing up to the next one that has a huge new region with tons of adventures awaiting - and it is coming sooner than you think! That said, this current update contains a pile of new features and Quality of Life improvements that will hopefully make you happy - like a completely reworked Event UI, Test boosting that allows you to use Resourcefulness to improve chances in Events, additions to Chart markers that makes it easier to find things in the wasteland (but still keeps it a challenge most of the time), new Hirelings, combat Skill tweaks, and a lot more!

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#projectupdate #patch

Project update - Dynamic Pricing (coming soon)
14 Jan | 10:00 am

Hey everyone,

first of all, Happy New Year. We made it to 2021 at last.

It's been a while since we posted a devlog entry and we figured that this would be a great time to do so. Today's topic, Dynamic pricing, has been on our minds for a long-long time, and finally, we've decided to pull the trigger on implementing it. To provide a little background on why we need it, let's review what happens in the current build of the game when you go trading.

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Patch 0.5.21 - codename: HighLife
09 Dec | 10:00 am

Hey everyone, a quick recap of the patch/fix that went live during the weekend can be found here. Hopefully, the more egregious errors have been squashed, now onto the smaller ones as well as the upcoming content development before the year closes out. :)

New/Updated Features:  

  • Exploit leadership perk enabled. Use RF to reroll available Trade Tasks  
  • Objective area markers for certain events where you need to scout a larger area [like bounties] so you know, at least roughly, the location  
  • Goods category filters on the Market  
  • Specify quantity button on the Market - mainly for Steam Remote Play users playing on iPads  
  • Goods pilfered by the enemy can be taken back if you destroy them in Crew Combat  - Entering major settlements with a larger armed force now requires a license  
  • Vagrus now runs in the background

Bug Fixes:

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#projectupdate #patch

Vagrus - The Riven Realms enters Early Access on Steam and simultaneously today!
22 Jul | 5:00 pm

Thanks to all the insights you have shared with us during Vagrus' Open Access period, the game has grown and improved massively in the last twelve months. We are proud to share that we kick off our Early Access journey with over fifty hours of available content that we look to expand further during our EA period, which is expected to last until the eventual full release sometime in 2021.

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#projectupdate #earlyaccess

Vagrus - The Riven Realms: Prologue NOW AVAILABLE on Steam
10 Jul | 5:00 pm

The time is upon us! As we have previously announced, a permanent version of Vagrus' free Demo has finally landed on Steam today (July 10) following the success of the temporary Demo of the Steam Summer Event. You will probably be pleased to know that this incarnation of the Demo has a small set of achievements you can complete, too.

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The New Open Access Build (v0.5.11) is OUT!
18 Jun | 10:00 am

Based on the ton of feedback concerning initial difficulty and learning curve, we have listened to you, our players, and implemented Trade Tasks to make the initial experience smoother in the open-world campaign. While there, and because they are deeply intertwined, we also decided to include the brand-new Factions UI and the faction tier system. We were happy to see that everyone who tried it in the preview build loved it and we are also satisfied with the result. To top it off, we also have a long list of adjustments, fixes, and tweaks (see patch notes at the end of this post).

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