Our Visit to the 16th Comic Festival of Szeged
05 Dec | 10:00 am

The team of Lost Pilgrims was honored to be invited to present at the “16. Szegedi Képregényfesztivál” (the 16th Comic Festival in the town of Szeged, Hungary), an annual con of mostly graphic novels and comic books, but also many other things geeky. And so Gábor and Geri set out and traveled from Budapest to Szeged where things were about to get nerdy.

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#2024 #szegedi #kepregenyfesztival #comic #festival

Lost Pilgrims Devs at 16. Szegedi Képregényfesztivál
14 Nov | 5:00 pm

This Saturday marks the occasion of the 16th Comics Festival of Szeged and this time, Lost Pilgrims will be there, too, with a presentation titled "A Caravan Journey from Worldbuilding to Interactive 2D". Join us there if you can - there will be tons of intriguing presentations and goodies from the fields of graphic novels and other related media!

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#2024 #szegedi #kepregenyfesztival