Character Poses - Crifta
28 Jun | 10:00 am

Here's a quick look at some of the character poses from combat that Crifta, the mutated archer has. These are (from top left to bottom right): Dodge, Suppressing Shot (skill), Idle, and Downed (when a character is beaten but not yet killed). Szonja put a lot of work into making Crifta look unique and her poses dynamic, and it shows.

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#art #character #crifta #herocombat #poses

Pre-alpha - Main Screen UI
27 Jun | 10:00 am

As a strategy-RPG hybrid, Vagrus is pretty heavy on UI, so a lot of our effort goes into designing a functional and appealing UI for various elements of the game. Today, we'll take a look at our progress with the 'main UI', which is on the campaign map. This is what the player will see the most of and it's UI has to be a gateway to several key game elements.

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#art #map #prealpha #userinterface #vagrus

Project Update - June 2018
26 Jun | 10:00 am

A lot has happened since our last project update, so let's dig in without delay!

Expanding team

Beside Marci who has recently joined our ranks as an intern and is already working on implementing new features for the game in Unity + C#, we have also got two new writers checking out our self-developed event editor tool to ready themselves for mass content production once we plunge into that phase (right after publishing our playable demo). Rest assured that we will post details about them and their work when we get there. 

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#2018 #indiedev #lostpilgrims #projectupdate #team

Character Artwork - Sergorodite Priest
21 Jun | 10:00 am

Character Artwork Day!

This time, another enemy that sometimes can appear as an ally: the Sergorodite Priest.

Priests of Sergorod are the lowest ranking but already ordained members of the Church of Sergorod. One of the three new gods of the Triumvirate - the patron gods of the Empire -, Sergorod lords over the spheres of vengeance, anger, curses, grudges, and malevolence. Those who enter the service of the Church usually train as novices to become ordained priests of Sergorod (some of them join the more militant Cult of Retribution or other more obscure sects, though).

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#art #character #orderoftheblacksun #priestofsergorod #sergorod

New Intern: Marci
18 Jun | 11:00 am

Great news! The newest addition to the team, Marci has arrived earlier this month, starting his two months internship at Lost Pilgrims. 

Marci studies software engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and being a life long gamer planning on working in the game development once he finishes his curriculum. 

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#code #intern #lostpilgrims #projectupdate #team

Character artwork - Slinger
14 Jun | 4:00 pm

This week’s character is another bandit type enemy from the roster of wasteland outlaws. We call him the Slinger, because he… well uses a sling! 

Slings are deadly in combat in the real world when someone knows how to use them. Though they don’t seem much, slings could propel simple projectiles (such as rocks) with power enough to break armor, cut through flesh, and devastate bones.

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#abolitionists #art #character #slinger #vagrus

Character Artwork - Executor
06 Jun | 10:00 am

This week we have another character art for you: the Executor. These unholy men are enemies in the main game, but the Prologue does give players the opportunity to have them on their team, albeit briefly.

But who are these grim individuals?

Executors are the armed enforcers of the Church of Sergorod. As one of the three new gods of the Triumvirate - the patron gods of the Empire -, Sergorod is known as the god of vengeance, anger, curses, grudges, and malevolence.

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#art #character #executor #godsofxeryn #sergorod

Fan art - The Congregated
04 Jun | 10:58 am

Hey Everyone,

as you probably know, a great step to fame is marked by fans starting to create their own version of your game's art. And guess what: we have just crossed that line when we received our very first fan art in the form of a lego replica!

The model was build by Gabor's nephew, Daniel on the day of his 10th birthday. Since then he has posed and we have discussed interesting questions, like 'what is the purpose of dragons?' and 'why do the Jhakras' have so small and well-hidden eyes?'.

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#art #creature #fanart #lostpilgrims #thecongregated

Pre-Alpha Combat UI #1
31 May | 10:00 am

This video is showcasing the UI in combat in its current state.


What's new, you ask? Several things:

- Target's Stats and Expected Outcome

While the active character (whose turn it is) is displayed on the left part of the UI, the current target can be seen on the right side. When you select a skill on the active character, you can see its expected outcome (damage, etc.) as well on the target panel.

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#herocombat #ingamefootage #prealpha #userinterface #video

Character Artwork - The Mercenary
29 May | 10:00 am

Time to reveal a new character today: the Mercenary.

One of the mercenary characters in the game, this lass is a melee expert in combat and a tough customer to boot. Players will come across her in the Prologue as a friendly NPC, but later on she can be encountered more frequently as a mercenary enemy. Apart from her axe, she wields a whip to great effect. Her painted leather armor is light but sturdy.

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#art #character #demonkin #mercenary